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That would make the gameplay too easy for the attacking team. PS, i'm having some difficulty w/ imageshack, but pics will come soon.
Heh everyone this really is a good map i dled it and it was really really cool. really pro forging!!! Big base that is
At first I thought this map was just going to be a gimmick, but my mind was soon changed after I took a look through your thread. It looks like it'd be a lot of fun! And I just know there will be many cheesy quotes lined off as I play this with my friends online.
ok this is one of the best fortress based maps ive seen on here!!! i mean thrs a few things worth touching up on like a gate, no bridges on the front, spawn points moved back, and a object under in the basement to block the pipes and another bridge to stop the zombies comming in from the top, like make a secret room with a machine gun. As well as that put a grav lift in the gap on the ground floor where theres a hole coming in from the top, and take away the tower in the middle and bring it forward so you can go inside. Also take away the baracades at the back blocking the doors and finally put a bridge at the back from the floor to the fence walls on the left hand side. ill put it on my file share if ya won't... just people find me on bungie net
Wow, this looks truly amazing. The intricacies are mind-blowing! Excellent job, dude, queued for download.
This looks amazing, great work. One thing that if your up to it to change would be, flip the top wall pieces upside down so the nice flat bottom of the boxes (where players walk) will be showing up, and the shiny metal parts are not. And if you wanted to make a "hole" in the wall, you could place a hollow box in the wall with a bunch of pallets blocking the opening of it. You could make it more difficult by making the pallet's respawns short or instant. but I don't think a hole in the wall would be necessary, but if you did put one in maybe have fewer ladders (replace center ladder with the hole) going to the top of the wall then, and place a bit of cover for defenders inside against the hole. Also if you flip the bridges on the inside of the base so the black side was up, it looks a lot sharper to me at least. Great job on this, It must have taken forever to get that curved hallway correct.