Its real simple, take a good picture of your map and have someone make a signature out of it for you. Once that is done have it set as your signature and set it to link to your map. Then start posting in popular areas such as the 1,000,000 post countdown or popular map sections. GL
First, you could build hype: Although, teaser threads seem to annoy people. You could make a blog, though. Then have a link in your sig. Have a picture in your sig with something like "coming soon". Before You post: Get a lot of people to test/play it. Recommend it to people. After you post: Keep it in your sig, maybe a flash pic? Play it with people. Recommend.
Radin Raider liked "The Last Stand", a map I made on the pit, and he said a lot of his friends liked it. My friends also said they enjoyed it. Now me and Raider are making "The Last Stand" Map Pack. It is infection btw. So how should I build up some hype?
Like What's a Scope? said, get a lot of people to test in the the Tester's Guild threads. Us testers tend to spread the word of good maps that we tested, and we will most likely comment on your map then also, resulting in more people downloading it to play.
I'll take your advice then... I'm going to the testers guild to see if they like the map. But the map works pretty well, and I just want it reviewed, is it still ok to post the map there?