Sharks and minows is a game where the minows run around trying not to die to the shark. In this game the shark tries to shoot the minows in the water and kill them from his skytop hunting area. The minows are in deep water so it takes a second to find your way. The shark has many tools. Snipers (both) Spartan lazer Needler Spikers RPG's Brute shot The shark is invisible and invincible. He is slow moving, but has instant kill. The minows do no damage. They have 300% move speed so the shark has to keep up. The shark domain Top view Far away view The hunting grounds. Snipe the minows. The shark tries to shoot them. The death line DO NOT PASS. If you do not listen to my warning. Map Download: Gametype Download: Have fun swimming with the fishies!
DUDE, I ****ing love the water on high ground. Not only is this playable, it looks fun as hell. Good to see that people are still forging on pre-DLC maps. Also, I like how you added a marker for the "death line" as it can get annoying. 5/5 It has my download. Whoever voted this map as Terrible can SUCK MY ****ING **** EDIT: My only question is couldn't the minos just stand under the platform and be unkillable? Also, Couldn't the shark just jump down and start killing the minos? Maybe you should make the shark really slow, and give the minos regular damage and brute shots, because I dont think brute shots could reach the shark if he was up top.
This is totally off-topic, but let me get this straight. You are a boy who has a half-naked girl as an avatar? Someone has issues... Anyway, cool map. I tried out fish pond, hope this is just as fun. Looks a bit sloppy though, hope to see a v2 soon.
This is actually refreshing. I love the game Shark on Zanzibar- and was just thinking of making a map on high ground. Gonna test this one out.
Wow! Sick looking map! I can't recall the last time I downloaded a map of non DLC nature, but not only does this look fresh and original, it looks like it plays extremely well! You got my DL, and I can't wait to play this with my buddies when I get on again! 5/5