Hey y'all this is a switch that i thought of when I was makin my map Hills Of The Dawn. It is a bassic procedure that I find is easy to make but hard to understand. This map is designed to have a secret or not hallway or room and you activate a switch, that isn't a custom power up or anything like that, and the door will close off. This idea of mine is great for infection maps because it stops the zombies from getting you. For this particular one i used a pallet but I've done it useing dumpsters and crates too. You can use almost anything that can be moved by a grav lift. Here is the pics to go with the map. Hope you enjoy. Overview of the door mechanism. Here is where you'll wanna go to see the door in action. On your way down the hallway you will notice series of cracks in the wall. They are for the pallet. You will come up to an X, and everyone knows X marks the spot. While here you will flip the chopper. Here is what will happen. The chopper will flip and push a fusion coil into a mancannon and the coil will fly and blow up fusion coils and a grav lift which is causing another grav lift to spawn and push the pallet closed. For the second grav lift to spawn what you do is, make the run time minimum one less than the placed on map, then you make the second grav lift place at start no 180 seconds, then you make the first grav lift place at start yes never, then when the first grav lift is blown up by somthing the second grav lift will spawn. This is very usefull on infection maps and I hope you guys can get good use of it. Here is the DL: Halo 3 File Details Have fun forgeing and get good use of my switch.
Hey man that's great that you learned this on your own but this has been used thousands of times and I believe the real name is "Drop Pod Switch" though I'm not entirely sure. I used this on my map (The RELIC) for the weapon testing and it was cool. But It's been done before. But for learning it on your own, hi-five .
I have used this idea before, but in a different way. I had fusion coils being blown up, and the fusion coils destroyed a pallet that was set the same way as your grav-lifts, so it was an insta-door. And because the first pallet was set to never, the second one would auto spawn, only leaving enough time for one zombie to enter at a time. Your switch looks like the pallet would de-spawn, and have to be pushed back in, if the pallet was insta-respawn. However, your idea could also be used for the zombies benefit. The humans would think they are safe inside, when a zombie say takes custom powerup, making a fusion-coil drop, destroying the grav-lift, and making the door become always open.
i kno this has been used before but i wanted to show it with the chopper cuz its the coolest way. It can also be used for elevators but its alot harder to make.