This map looks awesome, especially for a first post. I agree with vanilla that I like how the street is for the most part open so you can have some good br battles.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping for a little feedback on the placement of that. I don't see it as a problem, yet anyway. I really haven't got any legitimate feedback from people who have played the map. It's been mostly window shoppers. I'd like to here from the ones who downloaded it. It's hard for me to take the ones who haven't tried it seriously. But I appreciate all the feedback regardless. Thanks. So does anyone else think that the sword spawn is out of place.
This is well done.The pictures are lame,try to make them inside grenades or just add effects to it.But the one thing that made me sort of dislike the map was the first picture,try to add some stuff inside of the structure.The rest is fine how ever quite average.3/5.
Thanks for the tip. I thought my pictures could have been better. As far as the inside goes, it's fine. There would not be enough room to move if I added anymore cover in there. The second floor would be completely blocked if I added even a barrel. The Bottom floor is designed for fast game play and cover would slow it down. This is a large foundry map and adding stuff like this would slow down the pace. Thanks for your opinion, but since I've actually played it, I know better. I consider this map finished and any V.1... would be redundant.
I updated the pictures. Hope you guys like these better. I think some of the new ones does the map more justice.
I don't think that a good map has to come from sandbox...this is a really nicely done foundry map. Very clean merging which is great for visuals and gameplay would seem to be good with the multi-level setup.
Thanks, I'm updating this in sandbox anyway. It might have to loose some geometry to compensate for the difference in size between the two maps. But this next update will be a bit bigger. I prefer to have a very clean map over a heavy featured map, so you can expect my update to be equally clean.