Cloud 9

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by freezingshdw, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
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    Hey whats up im Stephan and I felt that the world needed
    me to post this link to my new map Cloud 9. Trust me you will be thankful
    for posting this link. Play with the game Fat kid Sb rev or COD 5 NZ game. (This map is made for games with a party of 6 or more for maximum fun-ness and 4 or more for COD 5 NZ match)

    Okay heres the map Cloud 9 it is a sand box map by the way
    and here's one of the gametyps Fat kid SB REV okay hope you enjoy!!!

    My friends that beta tested this map say that this is the best map they have played on in a long time. The map itself utilizes all 3 levels of sandbox.(everything but the sky bubble is for zombies) It starts out with 2 fat kids because 1 fat kid would take too long to get all of the way through the level and everyone always complains about the games being unfare for zombies so i "modified" to my (and my friends) liking and I hope you do aswell.

    A good tactic for this map is to get to one of the many weapon storage facilities (none of which contain needlers for the sanctity of the fat kid...again getting rid of being cheap) and then to find a safe place to hide. You may also go to "garage" which contains 3 mongeese...mongoose's whatever or one of the 2 chaingun warthogs and/or the 1 gauss warthog.

    Sidenote: the warthogs are very effective against zombies but will be devestated by the fat kid so id suggest find a warthog "sniper tower" and just evacuate the warthog if the Fat Kid comes.

    Anyway an excellent strategy is to get on top of the "chamber" to access the sniper/beam rifle and guard yourself from oncoming zombie hords. All other strategies and secret corners you must utilize to your advantage and find your own secrets.

    Anyway i hope you enjoy the map and be sure to tell all of your friends about it!!






    #1 freezingshdw, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    there needs to be at least one embed picture on this thread... look at the top of the site and click rules... it will help you find out how to do everything... you also have 24 hours to fix it
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok so you do know how to post pictures than im assuming, you should have just waited to post this so that you dont get infracted
    just to let you know your not aloud to post a map on here without pictures so maybe u may have wanted to wait to post your pics

    by the way heres a link on how to post pics.

    you need to hurry an fixed this
  4. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know how to post pics i cant on my dads crappy laptop + my xbox is at my grandma's so i will have pics in a matter of hours
  5. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    So its a floating place


    Poor effort
  6. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    how about you play it b4 you trash k
  7. Keto

    Keto Ancient
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    I give you credit for trying to make something fun but in the future spend more time on your map. people are not going to download anything that looks like it was put together in just one afternoon, "like your map that you just built". there are way to many maps being posted to look at them all so you have to make it look really neat and amazing to get anyone to really download your maps.
  8. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
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    i've actually been spending most of my time on a map called "chute advanced" (2 weeks actually) instead of this one i threw together in like 6 hours and i just really wanted to figure out how to post stuff (im a noob) and this was the only one i had finished. = )
  9. L337 PWN4GE

    L337 PWN4GE Ancient
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    dude i dont see an interlocking at all. Nothing looks even and I think my younger brother could make a better map
  10. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
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    Well personally I haven't tested the map out. I have a question for all of you though, why just belittle the guys work? What ever happened to constructive criticism? I mean if you see something that would be beneficial if he did differently just share your ideas instead of bad mouthing people for every little critique they missed. Forge takes a lot of practice to really hone in your skills, maybe he is still learning. Honestly I think we all are everyday :D
    So please before your brain starts to twirl with which insult you can pound him with, save yourself the keystrokes and pick up a controller! A for effort judging by the pics btw.

    P.S. this is a community, why not embrace our passion for forge?
  11. bigjaywara

    bigjaywara Ancient
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    last i checked a map didnt need to be all clean and nicley interlocked for it to be a good map and if its called cloud 9 why wouldnt it be floating? it looks very playable just maybe add some cool switching or something to just add playing it up a notch and its golden

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