Tower Defence V1.1 Tower defence is a casual map where you attempt to defend your tower. There is two different map sets. Fusion coils fly at the tower and you use turrets to defend. If fusion coils get through then you and/or your team get injured. The tower is made of pallets so it blows up. Your sheilds do not come back so you eventualy die. If one dies then you all will slowly die. USE TEAMWORK. Competitive: you and groups of 4 try to defend your tower. Players 4,8,12. Each team gets a chance to defend the tower. It is king of the hill so the longer you last the more points you get. There are spectating boxes where the other teams watch. Casual: you and up to 3 other people defend the tower. Players 1-4. In the begining you appear in a room and have to shoot a propane tank to start the game. Then walk backwards into the teleporter. You then proceed to get on your turret. Changes: some man cannons have been re-angled New spectating box for competitive. Now start with swords in competitive. your tower This is what shoots fusion coils at you. The idea is to shoot the fusion coils. Try not to let this happen. If you do get hit a lot, the tower will break. If you fall you end up in this death pit. If for some reason you fall off the tower then go here to die. Competitive This is what king of the hill looks like. Remmember players 4,8,12 New spectating box when the people watching are done they go here to die. view from spectating box All the updates made it so one does not match Map Download: Gametype download: Casual For casual you can play with 1-4. You must shoot the propane tank or it will not fire anything at you. Once the propane tank is hit run into the teleporter! Map Download: Gametype Download: Have Fun. Don't cheat. Play nice. Tell me what you think! It was your comments that made the v2. Please rate.
Nice. It doesn't look great, but i wouldn't mind playing on it. It looks like fun and i would like to play casually on it. Try making a V2 with better aesthetics maybe on sandbox when you get the mythic map pack. Good job though. 7.5/10
Okay first of all, this is his V.2 lol. Now onto the map. I loved the V.1 and now it just got better. I like how you reangled some of the man cannons, but can I ask a question that i just thought about? How does the propane tank switch work exactly? Is it a drop pod switch?
This is a pretty cool map i remember seeing v1 and not quite understanding it after the first look through but soon got it. This looks pretty fun but has been done in less extravegant ways before. The only thing i'm concerned with is this: You said this is v2 correct? Well i see you made SOME changes but honestly you could probably have done a bit more to the map. I mean no offence but when people normally post V2's there is a little more than three changes. Honestly to me it looks like you wanted to rush a bump to your thread. The point of my rambling is basicly i would've done a little bit more than tiny tweaks. So if you are planning on making a version 3 than you might want to clean things up a bit, or make some HUGE changes. (P.S: You probably could've named this v1.1 or something to show the communtiy minor details have been done.)
i played V1 and LOVED it... the spectators box could add something that it didn't have before as it can give the spectators something to laugh at if the team on the tower are doin a really bad job... Nice Job!. i'll dl the v2 now as well ^_^
Thank you for telling me that Thorax tehGREAT. I never tested it. I do plan on making a true v2 on sandbox once I get the new maps.
nice map. i have been trying to make one like internet games but its a great idea. this gives me sum ideas. you should make a v2 maybe have the players do more to kill those in the tower.