The only map i never seem to have fun on is Isolation. Its setup is just all kinds of terrible. Assembly and Epitaph and both good though.
I don't see why a color should bother you unless it blinds you from gameplay or something. I think color is the last thing to bicker about.
I would have to say the only time i do not like isolation is when i play with no br start because it is really a map made for br. I really like assembly. I think personally the people who hate it because they do not know the map that well or they do not know how to use the map to their advantage. But hey that is only my option.
Wait, people are complaining about Assembly? Not Orbital? I guess i haven't really played the maps for that long but i would much rather play assembly. You almost always get a BR start.
All these love/hate map things are all really based on opinion. If you are more of a close-quarters kind of fighter, you're more likely to like maps like Cold Storage and Guardian. If you handle a BR very well, you're going to like maps like Isolation and Last Resort. If you like really long range combat and vehicular combat, you're going to like maps like Avalanche and Sandtrap. I personally love Isolation and Assembly. If you think about it, they are very similar in design. The upper level of both maps is more open and better for BR wielders. The lower levels of both maps have a lot more cover.
havnt got the new map pack yet so no comment on assembly. But isolation is a good map. With good teamwork, you can really dominate a game on that. I really hate epitath tho.. too much close combat and shield doors T.T
Epitaph is a lot more fun for FFA's then team slayer or objective. For Isolation, I dislike how the highground is in the center of the two bases. I just love Assembly all-around, I think Oribital is a lot worse.
Isolation is my best map. It's just that it only works for slayer BRs. Yet, they throw it in every playlist. It's like playing on Coagulation without a BR.
I like iso. It can be pretty fun for some things. It is great for snipes, imo. I haven't really play Assembly much, but I like it. I haven't had any problems with it. I like almost every map. I kinda have to agree that epitaph isn't good, though. I also don't really like some of the bigger maps.
i dont think too many hate assembly, maybe some do because they just dont like smaller symmetric maps.
Assembly is my favourite DLC map for Halo 3 to date, in terms of gameplay anyway, obviously I have a thing for Foundry and Sandbox too. It's a fantastic addition to the refined competitive maps in H3, and needed doing since past DLC's only real strongpoint in playable map terms were larger maps, Blackout was fail, and Ghost Town is quite cool but no where near the competitive height of Assembly. I haven't seen much hate for it tbh, pretty much everything I've heard has been positive, I think it's a map that managed to please the devout H2 crowd, whilst still providing a great arena in which people of all skill levels can enjoy Halo 3. Bungie nailed it if you ask me, and I haven't really heard anyone whining much about it. Isolation is OK, it's quite a good outdoors BR combat map, but still not one of my favourite maps by any means. I don't think it warrants all the hate that it gets, but it's nothing special either. One thing though, you say you don't like Epitaph (which I completely agree with, no argument there), but you say that's the only map you really hate on? What about my most loathed H3 map in practical terms, Snowbound (and all associated variants in MM, Boundless is better than Snowbound by a decent amount, but it still sucks bad)? Sure Epitaph may be worse overall, but it never comes up in Team playlists, thus making it less of an issue for me, whereas Snowbound is where most of my hate is directed, especially when all I want is a decent game of BR's on Pit or Construct and I get nothing but Snowbound game after game....
Standoff, Snowbound, Ghost Town, Epitaph, Sandtrap, Orbital, Rat's Nest, and All MM varients of Foundry are terrible maps IMO. I don't get why people don't like Assembly or Isolation.
I pretty much agree with this, although Standoff has its moments, much as this is largely because it's still a game of Halo 3. Ghost Town is patchy, and the whole Rocket/OS/that little pipe bit area is kinda boring and detracts from the map, but it's still not terrible if you ask me. Rat's Nest is actually pretty good imo, quite a fun large scale map with a decent mix of vehicle and standard combat, design frustrates me at times and non BR starts can be a real drag, as with all big maps, but I still quite like it. And the same with Orbital, I think it's pretty fun. Nothing seriously competitive like Assembly but still a nice design with it's own character which has brought many fun times for me. Neither of these maps are serious competitive stuff in terms of what I like, which can be approximated to MLG Halo 3, but they're still fun and fill out the map spectrum nicely. Not like dirty, dirty Snowbound.
Isolation In my opinion Isolation is a MUST PLAY Swat map in my book! I love jumping up in the trees and covering my teammates by raining bullets above from a seemingly invisible source! It's just so much fun! I also love driving the ghost around the map at full speed and splattering groups of baddies in one go! There's nothing more fun than getting a triple/quadruple splatter on an unsuspecting group of blues all clumped together in the tunnels! Assembly I love playing Team Slayer on Assembly, one of my favorite maps for Plasma rifle/Br combat! The side "u" shaped bases are great for close combat with the Plasma Rifle and the tall towers on each side of the map are great for covering buddies from above w/ a BR I love these maps so much, i can't understand why people don't love them too!!
Yeah, I was just taking things off the top of my head there. My hate list consists of way more. Rat's Nest in SWAT, High Ground, and Standoff. I love Boundless, though, but I haven't played default Snowbound for quite a while.
I love playing SWAT, and I've got to say, Isolation, and Assembly make great SWAT maps. Once you control the hill on Isolation, it's pretty hard to get knocked off, though. Standoff: Neutral. AR starts blow, but I seem to enjoy Heavy variants of it. Snowbound: Can't say because I haven't played default version of it for a while Ghost Town: Don't play it much, can't say Epitaph: 110% agree, for obvious reasons. Sandtrap: Disagree. I love vehicular battles on Sandtrap, and overlooking them with my godly laser . Orbital: Disagree. Orbital is a great map. It has quickly become one of my favorite maps in Halo 3 to date. Rat's Nest: Agree. Hate the warthogs. Foundry: Neutral. In SWAT, I seem to enjoy default Foundry, but Smashed is god awful. The only MM variant I enjoy is the Grifball Court. [sarcasm]
What about Avalanche? I can't stand that map on big team slayer when all people do is go in hornets and blow you up spawn after spawn. The only gametype that plays decently on it is CTF. What about best maps? My top three would have to be: Guardian MLG Amplified Narrows
i like assembally but isolation... i really hate the map and i don't see how it is a good br map... it just plain does not play well.