Sandbox The Relic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by skulltooth, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    The RELIC.
    The Relic is my first map on Sandbox, and moreover, the skybubble (most of it at least).

    It is a combination of aesthetics and mini-games. It has a story behind it so if you don't want to read that, just skip below. It's made for SLAYER only so really no other games besides slayer or the map won't work. It's not meant for fighting really. I HIGHLY recommend playing with only 2-12 players because playing with more could make it over crowded a little bit.


    1. By the way, Xbox LIVE gave me a tough time with the name and description so I changed the map name to Cintimaro (I don't know I just came up with it.) The description might actually describe the map though lol.
    So the new name of this map is, Cintimaro The RELIC. xD. Enjoy it guys/girls.

    2. I added a Mini-Game Section to show the mini-games.

    3. Changed the spoiler pictures to make it a little bit neater.

    Your in the desert when all of a sudden you pass out. You wake up in this odd encampment and get out. You look around and you find out you're in the Forerunner base you were looking for. This base is a top-secret (not anymore) base that was used by the forerunners for testing and housing their relics. When they disappeared, they closed the base down right before their disappearance, although still leaving the generators on to power their security system. After you shutdown their security (the giant towers), you were knocked out by an unknown force and brought onto the base. Often, the generator goes sporadic and fires out an explosion, thus causing the base to have been damaged over time. Here, you adventure through it finding out what the Forerunners worked on.

    At The RELIC, you find a Golf Club, a never ending Radar Jammer, and two gravity lifts.
    At the Vehicle Testing, you find two ghosts in Area one and 4 banshees and 2 wraiths in Area 2.
    In Weapon Testing, you find two plasma grenades that infinitely spawn.
    Thats about it, so overall:
    4x Banshee
    2x Ghost
    1/∞ Radar Jammer
    2/∞ Gravity Lifts
    1x Golf Club.
    2/∞ Plasma Grenades.


    Due to a request I'm going to point out the mini-games..
    The mini-games are the vehicle testing areas and the Relic.

    1. In the Relic, your objective is to get to the relic and back. Either way you take, it sure is damn fun :D.

    2. In the vehicle testing area one, your objective is to first off, fly onto the FFA place. Then stay in your ghost and see how long you can survive against other people. Last man standing wins.

    3. In vehicle testing two, some people take a banshee and some take a wraith. The objective is to last as long as you can there as teams. In area one, it's free for all.

    The Map Pictures
    I put the Pictures in a Slideshow for the first time for your enthusiasm. Under the slideshow, I'll explain each picture as it's titled with the picture.


    The place where you originally start. You go up the mancannon and fly out into the Y-Piece Tube Connector, be careful though, you go too far and you'll fly into another mancannon that fires you into the Power Generator. You might've disabled the towers, but you didn't disable all security systems.

    The RELIC. This is my most fun part of the map. You have two ways to get the RELIC and both are pretty tough or dangerous. You can either grab the golf club and jump into the man cannon on top and fly, which you can miss very easily, or you can use the radar jammers and try there. Yet again, both are very dangerous. And when you get over there, you have to find a way out on your own (don't worry I put a way out lol. A couple actually. So have fun :D).

    The Generator is really just 4 long kill balls with a Bridge on top for you to walk on and a bridge at the side to take you to the Testing Facilities or the Bridge. Notice it leads into tunnels.

    The Weapon Facility. Here you test a top-secret new bomb (or old, according that they're Forerunners) that highly resembles a UNSC barrage. (look down, duh ;P). The tunnels is where I took the picture. The other side of that tunnel leads to the bridge which is only accessible by 90 Seconds or if you take a chance and try to land on it at the beginning.
    How the weapon Facility works:
    You take a plasma grenade that is laying there, throw it at the wall (make sure you aim at the bottom of the wall where the floor and the wall intersect), go over to the observation bridge and watch the fun zoomed in :D. Some action shots of it happening:
    The Nade Blowing up.
    The Mongoose flying out (the switch is really simple).

    Vehicle Testing Area One. This offers two ghosts, a curved little runway, two mancannons, and a little FFA or Bumper-Ghost arena that I made for fun :D. Just don't fall off or you'll die and have to go to the beginning of the map :(.

    Vehicle Testing Area Two. This offers a Launch Pad for Four Banshees to take off from. It also offers two wraiths so if your friends hog the banshees, you can take 'em out :D.
    Action shot of taking off:
    Just had to do it :D.
    That is the pictures, the explanations, the story, and the equipment. Now onto why I picked the sky bubble.

    I picked the sky bubble so that I could make it seem more realistic as a Forerunner base. The Forerunners were so advanced in creating giant metal buildings that I just had to be ironic and make a flying Power Generator, Relic, Weapon and Vehicle Testing facility that was made of mostly stone and wood... and fire. That and the sky bubble has no towers attacking you, thus adding onto the story :D.

    Now why I chose the Crypt for Vehicle Testing Area two. If I put banshees on the main level or the sky bubble, they would fly around and kill everyone using them. Same with the wraiths yet they would be on ground level. That and the crypt actually allows you to learn better maneuverability.

    Now why I didn't choose the ground level for anything. First off, the story is you were taken from the ground level. If you went back on it, it would just kill the story. Secondly, the towers. I knew if I built something there people would get killed by going outside of map boundaries.

    Hope you enjoy my first Sand Box map.

    Here is the checklist:
    [√] Interlocking
    [ ] Geomerging
    [√] Effective spawn Placement (sort of..)
    [ ] Unlimited Budget Glitch
    [ ] Water Placement

    There we go :D. I used up almost ALL my money (I only have like $12 left :D) on there so enjoy my first Sand Box map and I hope you like it.

    Cintimaro The RELIC (The Map).

    #1 skulltooth, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    well the only thing from what i can see in the spoiler is that you have the same pic over and over...

    but the story sounds pretty cool...
  3. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    ok, first of all, dont double post; edit your previus post. second of all, under the rules of posting you have to embed your pics, not make a slideshow.
    now, onto the map; i dont really get what its supposed to be. is it just to mess around in? besides that, it looks like it could be fun; descriptions on the minigames you talk about could be more informative, like what you are supposed to do in them, etc.
    anyways, ill give you a 3/5 for creativity. good luck in your future maps!
  4. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes it's supposed to be a fun map.
    I fixed the pictures and embedded them.
    But XBL is giving me a hard time about uploading my map so I'll keep trying.

    EDIT: I got it posted changing the name and description. Check the update in the post.
    #4 skulltooth, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009

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