Contest for new Map name and description is up and running read rules in that topic. Plus this will not be V.2 It will be (Name that wins) V.1 Should we put V.1 at the end of new name? BETA 3 IS HERE! Want to test it? Here you go. First of All Here is a List of Stuff Bases 95% Remodeling 93% New Features 90% Fixes 91% New Layout 87% Gametypes 52% Spawns 85% More to be added to list Everyone is welcome to download now if you really like map put a link to this topic in your signature New features are being added as we speak since i dont have school today i might be able to get full version done by tonight if i get someone to help. Fixed Many Spawns so i hope this build will correct any gametype errors and make the game more fun! Also snipers are now in corners of map to make the game more equal! Post any bugs, glitches or problems you find, also leave suggestions and feedback to help me with preparing for full version! Also Rest Of Gametypes By full version Updates: More fixes and features will be added through out the day ill keep you updated here! Main bug that was in 2.0B has been fixed so i will update this post tonight! Thanks!
Awesome. I have nothing to do, so breaking a map would be really fun right now. And later, when it's flawless, I'll get together some games to get some action shots for you. Just curious, what map is it on? I don't have mythic yet.
should have. :] I'll start testing it out whenever I get the link to it. Custom games with default slayer stats. Then I'll change the settings to zombie if you want
Well set up for slayer. so jsut test slayer for the time being ill work on setting up infection tommorow.
Started working on settings for Infection, will finish that early in morning that capture the flag and bomb and all of those! So please keep testing! Ask me for map.
Thanks i know there are a bunch of bugs like getting on the rails and stuff but that will all be fixed
Not sure if you know this already, but right away i was able to get out. It was pretty easy by jumping over the bridge on the right side of the map *looking at the bases* from a box that sticks out from under a fence box. -also by jumping past the fence wall on the left... its a pretty big hole. If you need more of an explanation i could show you, just send a FR GT: xXxMENTALxXx
Beta is now here! Also being on the rails on the top of the map is now part of it! So download it, Leave feedback and suggestions, Plus rate it 1-5 Thanks link to map in first post!
So, I find it strange that one team spawns in the middle and the other spawns on in the corner. In plain view. Also, that sniper in the corner I kept going after. Not where the rocket launcher is, but the other side. I think that area needs to be easier to access. Just some constructive ideas. It's still a great map. Had fun on it.
Need a new name for map to attract more attention to map. Final testing after i get new name for map. Map has improved drastically its made for every gametype! So leave suggestions and if i pick your name you will get mentioned in Final version post! Also major spawn fix! Edited first post on this topic trying to keep it up to date lol.