Foundry Trenches S39

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Shadow393939, Mar 29, 2009.


How aesthetic is this map?

  1. SUCKS!!!!!!!

    1 vote(s)
  2.'s decent, I wouldn't play on it

    3 vote(s)
  3. idk....

    1 vote(s)
  4. it's pretty good

    3 vote(s)
  5. It's awesome

    0 vote(s)
  1. Shadow393939

    Shadow393939 Ancient
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    Trenches S39 (NEWLY ALTERED)

    ok, so i just spent from 2am - 7 am building this

    There are 3 bases, but the defenders start with 2 bases, the 2 bases are symmetrical entirely, the attackers base is an open room, but next to it is a mountain from which you can camp and snipe there, although there is no cover. There are tunnels as part of the back trench...

    That's the description...I hope you download, enjoy, rate

    defenders base (same on other side)
    overview of map
    the tunnel part of the back trench wall
    attackers base
    overview of map 2
    Newly re-modeled Mountain
    Inside Mountain *new*

    There are
    2 BR's
    2 Snipers
    1 Rocket Launcher on this map...i just spent 6 hours making this aesthetic

    Trenches S39

    Ok i have gone through, and altered it a lot, i will upload some new pictures soon, and it works on the following variants (or should work)
    1) Capture the flag
    2) Slayer
    3) KOTH
    4) Oddball
    5) Assault
    6) Infection

    it also works on the team version of those
    (although i'm not sure if it will work with team oddball or team KOTH)

    #1 Shadow393939, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  2. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    wow, nice. i haven't seen a map like this in a while, and i like the geomerged open boxes. the map itself looks really clean and that mountain looks awesome. but to improve on your map, you should change the spawns. it looks like there could be a ton of spawn killing.

    postwise, what gametypes does this map support? and how many people do you recommend playing on this?
  3. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    I like the Geo-Merging but it could use more interlocking. For a V.2. You could make the mountain stairs and make some of them slightly side wards for bumps in the mountain. If you done that i think the Map Would be way better than it is now but thats not to say it isnt good because it is. 8/10 :D
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    it sort of reminds me of Barts Battle with the fence wall bridges, but the geomerging is nicely done. If your'e doing a V2 i'd reccoment making the mountain a little shorter by interlocking the boxes instead of just stacking them.
  5. Shadow393939

    Shadow393939 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok, i have read your posts, and i WILL make a V2, and i will alter the mountain, possibly put some spawns on it, and outside of the expect the new map hmm...possibly before 1 am tonight

    oh, and i do not see the barts battle reference....perhaps message me some pics that seem similar

    and i have fixed most of the problems, i even added some guns, and i was playing on it with my friends, and some random people (random people said it sucked..but that was because they were losing by 50)

    So far i have tested slayer, and infection and they work...btw the inside of the mountain i am planning to make bigger, but i do not know for sure yet, i'll get together with my forging friend to check it out tomorrow

    As for the people that have downloaded and left a positive response, i thank you
    #5 Shadow393939, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    looks nice :D

    only thing i would say, is fix the spawns. i know there is alot, but spread em out just a little. but thats just my opinion, just trying to help ^_^
  7. Shadow393939

    Shadow393939 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just noticed that, i was thinking of putting some spawns inside the trench, and more outside of the defending bases...but i don't know if that was a good idea or not

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