In Halo 3, cover is not used much unless you have low or no shields. I dont think anyone wants to make a cover heavy map if no one wants to use the cover. I think a gametype for cover would be a good compliment to halo's gameplay. Some examples are lower shields or no shields. Also a slower movement means you have to stay in cover longer. Any ideas for a gametype would be greatly appreciated.
Shields are a very important part to the basic halo multiplayer. Few game variants that are competetive use no shields (SWAT). If you take down damage resistance and keep shields, cover will be forced to be used more often, but wouldn't be a 1 hit KO with a Br. Now slower movement is just aggervating, very annoying actually to most people if you ask me. Simply decrease the resistance for cover more often if you ask me.
Yes I do belive that it shouldnt be a one hit KO with a BR. Mabye A few shots to kill but just enough to want to take cover. With slower movement maybe just a hair slower like 90% movement.
Ya definetly take down the recharge rate, that will help a bunch. When I get back from hawaii on monday ill try to make a gametype. Also making the weapons only automatic or semi-automatic will force you to stay in cover more often.
This gametype is nothing new. Its used a lot in games of infection in which the zombies are one shot so they have to coexist with the cover around them. Otherwise, just play SWAT. Its pretty much exactly what you described.
If you don't want to make it end up like a regular SWAT game I recommend using some of the less accurate weapons like the Assault Rifle or Spiker, that way it isn't necessarily instant death for the player the moment he leaves his cover.
Yes but Infection isnt competitive. In SWAT its a one hit kill with BR. What I want to do is try to make it so cover is used more in cover heavy maps. Like paintball or police training places where cover is crucial. GEARS OF WAR 2 is a great example. It uses a bunch of cover. I just think that if you use more cover (or forced to) the gameplay will become more realistic..
ARs would be a good starting weapon. Also one sniper at each base so cover for both sides will be used more.
What he is simply trying to say, he wants a competive map that forces you to use more cover. Again, slower recharge rates will force them into cover longer, lower resitance forces them into cover faster.
Well its one shot with a headshot. What you can do is instead of making the standard SWAT 25% resistance, make it something like 50% or 75%. That should give players enough incentive to hide behind structures.
im not a big fan of this idea to be honest. let halo just be halo and stop trying to make it more like a shittier version of GoW2 as if it wasnt bad enough already
A little harsh but OK. What about all those other maps that have nothing to do with halo like paintball, infection, and making f'ing resteurants for gods sake. So halo can be a lot of things. Just use your imagination and have fun. It doesnt have to be all the same all the time.
I would also recommend putting respawn times up or even giving players lives. That way death is much more punishing.
Cover usually endorses camping. Here's a neat way to get around that: use movable scenery. Crates, forklifts, pallets, etc. If the cover can be moved/destroyed after a while, camping won't be as bad. Also, it's amazing how players can move their cover around to augment themselves. On one of my older maps, the other team pushed a wire spool into one of the entries into the base, making it harder for our team to assault them. Then we got the rocket launcher and blasted it away. So use movable objects.
Cover doesn't really exist the way most people think of it. Placing crates and trucks everywhere doesn't really emulate "cover." "Cover" is the natural geometry of a map, such as its walls, structures and divided lines of sight. My friend Nosirrom Mij did make a gametype similar to what you guys are describing, with no shields, slower speed, and he made it SMG + magnum starts.
First, do not add cover to a map. The map is cover. As for a gametype, I do not have any ideas. I wouldn't say take away shields if the map doesn't have much cover. You would die way too much. Since there is not much cover, you could get caught in the open. I would say add shields, but then it would be too hard to kill someone. Could you do something like 150% damage resistance? Also, walking slower wouldn't work because you would also be in the open longer