Honor Blades Map Pack Submissions Now Open

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Time Glitch, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Hey Everyone:

    As some of you may know, I am currently gearing up for the release of my gametype, Honor Blades. Some of you have played this with me in my parties, and have enjoyed it very much. It's a competitive, challenging gametype that tests both your wits and your tactics.

    The gametype itself is final, but the game needs more than that. That's why I'm opening up the gametype for map submissions. I plan on releasing Honor Blades with a map pack, so people can enjoy this game in multiple ways. I'm working on maps myself, but I wanted to see if any of the community wanted to contribute as well.

    To be fair, not all the submissions will be in the map pack. I will test each with a party to see how it plays, and make a decison from there. I might even hold an unofficial event if people are interested...

    Also, if you don't know Honor Blades, that's ok! Below are links to both the original, and big team version of Honor Blades. If you're interested in making a map, simply download the gametype, get a feel for it, and give it your best shot. All submissions will be considered!

    Honor Blades (4v4 and below)

    Honor Blades + (5v5 and up)

    It should be noted that if you're playing Honor Blades for the first time, PLAY THE GAMETYPE ON DEFAULT CONSTRUCT FIRST, and only play with even teams. It is the best map for the gametype to date, and will give you the best experience.

    One more thing, I will give full credit to the creator of these maps. I will only lay claim to the maps I create, and the gametype itself.

    Thanks all!

    EDIT: Totally forgot, thanks Null: ANY MAP CANVAS'S ARE PERMITTED. If you can transform a Bungie map into an Honor Blades map, fine by me. If you want to create your own, Foundry and Sandbox are open to you as well.

    Brief Gametype Description:

    Honor Blades is a highly unique gametype that takes a little bit of getting used to. Even though it's Infection, you need to look at the gametype more like a competive slayer game. The first thing you should be aware of is that it is reverse zombies. Humans have the swords, Zombies have the guns. But not to worry, the game is balanced. The zombies are ODSTs, and the humans are Gold Elites (Zealots). The elites have very tough energy shields that allow them to withstand a LOT of firepower, and can easily clear out a room of unaware ODSTs. However, the ODSTs are faster than the elites, and can use that distance to their advantage. They are equipped with both BRs and ARs, alpha's have 2 grenades, and have no weapon pickup. Both sides are balanced, and each has their weaknesses/advantages. The key to winning in Honor Blades is teamwork. The more you work together, the better your chances will be. Go at it alone, and you'll die alone.

    The "Last Man Standing" turns white, has increased running speed (equal to that of the ODST's), and has much more damage resistance. He's a bad mo-fo.
    #1 Time Glitch, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Hey Time, what is Horror Blade, can you give us a more detailed explanation of this game?

    Anyways, looking foward to this map pack!
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    hey i might contribute, but it wouldnt hurt if you could post the gametype so i can see how i can make the map, and to test it when im done with the map
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Could you give a description of the gametype?
  5. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I'm fairly sure it's infection where humans spawn with swords and zombies spawn with assault rifles or battle rifles (I can't really remember)
    I also think there are some modifications to player traits but I can't remember them
    Hope that helps a little
  6. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Righty o.

    I'll explain it briefly in the OP. Check back at it for the edit.

    As for posting the gametype...I did. The game works best on default Construct. No changes, no modifications. The + only indicates that if you have teams of 5 and above, you should use that gametype instead. All thats needed is a few downloads, and you're good to go! Other default maps that work decently are Epitaph, High Ground (big teams only), and The Pit.
    #6 Time Glitch, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  7. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Honor Blades is somewhat confusing to understand at first but don't let that fool you. The game is very creative and really fun. As Time Glitch said, Construct is the best map to start out on. I recommend you get comfortable playing the gametype on Construct before you attempt to make a map.

    Hmm... I just might have to make a map for this...
  8. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Cool beans. PM me or post the link here if you choose to do so =)
  9. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    Wow.... This seems really fun. It might be hard for people, who have never read the description, to play the game. Its Team Slayer with a really good theme. Gametype is 5/5. I believe that construct is a really good map to play on... although spawns for TS is not good for this game. But I dont know about Infection so IDK.

    Questions I have...
    1. How many Lives are there for both Humans(Elites) and Zombies(ODST)? Seems to be 1 life since its very unfair for 7 powerful Honor Guards cornering an ODST.

    2. Is there Radar? If there is... what Type? Its really hard to play with crouch campers.

    Good Job.... Ill See what I can do for a map, but youll have to wait a while because Im working on my Trophy Map♥.
    9.9/10 and I DL. =]
  10. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    1. Infinite. It's Infection, which means when you bring down an Elite, he joins the ODSTs. ODSTs have infinite tries to kill the Elites =).

    2. Yes, there is radar. Elites have 10m, motion sensitive radar only. ODSTs have 25m advanced radar. No camping for you.

    The map pack will probably be released about a week after the mythics come out, to allow lots of people to get the maps and start to download games for them.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I'm wondering if I will be able to make a map for this after the map pack has been released, for right now, I am far too busy, and won't probably be able to seriously embark on a project of that magnitude till the summer. I say that you need to make a sort of index of all approved Honor Blades maps, like AZN FTW has made for Conquest, allowing the gametype to become standardized and popularized.
    --I'll be watching.​
  12. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    So, since you're recommending Construct, I assume you're recommending the maps to have a good and balanced mix of camping spots for the elites and places where the ODSTs have an advantage instead? I found the main problem with the gametype was that the Elites did not have a large incentive to go out and hunt ODSTs in open areas, as it was much more advantageous for them to camp at the top of lifts/other tight areas like the basement on Construct.
  13. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Thats why the alpha ODSTs have grenades to try and clear them out. Camping works for a limited time until the ODSTs start working together to take them out. It's a careful balance, but teamwork will win no matter what.

    I'll be making an index if we get enough maps, but I don't think its neccicary if I only have about 6 maps. If people start making maps for it, I'll be sure to make a master index =).
    #13 Time Glitch, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  14. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I remember playing this on that Sandbox map. It was pretty fun, and I quite liked it. It is really tactical, and as you said, it requires a lot of teamwork.
  15. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Yeah that Sandbox map is still in testing, but is nearing it's final version. Lots of testing is still required for some of the stuff on Foundry, however. I'm going to need more bigger team maps in the map pack...

    You're absolutley right, if you're actually trying in Honor Blades, it does require quite a bit of coordination and teamwork.

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