Why all hate for maps like Isolation/Assembly?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by g35cpe, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    Why do you guys hate these maps so much? Seriously, Isolation is SO underrated, and a great BR combat map.

    What puzzles me more is the hate for Assembly. I mean, what the hell....the map is only a couple weeks old, and there are already haters? Come on, it's a great FFA and TS map, IMO. Too much camping? Stay on the top portion and use grenades....it's really not that difficult, although it seems it is from the amount of whiners out there.

    The only map hatred I can understand is Epitaph, for obvious reasons, but I think Isolation, and Assembly are great maps.\

    EDIT: This is not a specific thread about Assembly, so that is the reason it is not in the Assembly discussion thread.
    #1 g35cpe, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I enjoy them somewhat, it's just that I like other maps a little more because these two don't have much cover.
  3. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    Assembly has plenty of cover...so does Orbital, somewhat. What makes you think that?
  4. Alkaline3Gurl

    Alkaline3Gurl Ancient
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    I personally LOVE Assembly!! I very much dislike Isolation, I just think the setup is horrible.
  5. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Assembly only has cover when you are in a structure, which is the same with Isolation. I enjoy maps personally that have cover throughout the map, not just huge buildings. For example Valhalla: If there were no rocks, caves, or the huge hill in the middle do you think the map would be fun?
    Orbital has plenty of cover with all the boxes laying around, just not from grenades.
  6. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    Yeah, but there would never be enough cover on Orbital for grenades. It just has got that claustrophobic feeling.
  7. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    What's wrong with Epitaph?
  8. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    blood gulch?? hello? are you a noob BG best pure slayer halo map ever.
  9. CrazyPants

    CrazyPants Ancient
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    Haven't played the new map. But isolation. That hill in the middle is irritating. On SWAT you get killed right when you go over it. Forge on it sucks. The only thing that map is good for is plant the bomb

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
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    I think the only reason Isolation is hated is because it looks terrible, there's boogers everywhere! I personally think its one of the better maps gameplay wise, especially for multi-flag.

    And Assembly is the new Guardian, by far the best for small FFA games.
    #10 CO0LBEANS, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I dislike assembly because although it has height, it is very limited height. You can be on top but it isn't as powerful as it ought to be. It is quite easy to get back ontop. But what really bothers me is how cramped it is. There is cover everywhere, so strafing you are bound to walk into something. Fall down below and trying to evade grenades and gun fire you have no chance. On top of it is overall pretty small, and 1 bad team mate means a total loss for your team, because of it's size. I don't know, just isn't my fancy. It is better than Isolation and many maps they have currently, but it still isn't my favorite.
  12. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    An obvious answer to the camping problem is to learn how to deal with campers. This is done with close-range weapons, frags, sticks, beat-downs, and a good deal of timing.

    One of my friends made a very good point. While you can have dislike for certain maps, the obvious response to that is to get better at the maps that you dislike. He and I have a policy of never vetoing any map, running on the philosophy that we ought to be good enough players of the game to win no matter what map we're on. In taking the blame off the map and putting it back onto ourselves, we push ourselves to become better gamers, and begin to realize that the most if not all of the maps that Bungie has put out really are pretty amazing.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Isolation is a bit too hilly IMO, and it is ugly as hell. But other than that it's not that bad.

    Assembly doesn't have much cover, but that's why I love it. You can attack and be attacked from any angle, making it good for SWAT. And where can you camp on Isolation/Assembly?
  14. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    What are you all talking about? Assembly and Isolation are both great maps! Epitaph is pretty nice too but know one gives it much credit even though it took Bungie a very long time to make maps like those.
  15. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I don't have the maps yet, so I can't speak about Assembly, but I love Isolation. It exposes your BR and forces you to beat your opponent 1v1. There isn't any "cover" to let your shields recover and crouch with a sword or shotgun.
  16. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Well i love Epitaph. Everyone has different opinions. I personally think that Assembly is really fugly. If they had used the Covenant color scheme from Halo 2, or Snowbound I think it would look way better. I just hate the dark ugly purple and greens, I guess i like the bright colors better. As for Isolation I think it all depends on your mood. Most the time I hate it when Isolation comes up in MM, but sometimes I'll really want to play a match on it.
  17. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I believe that Isolation is disliked because of it having a poor weapon layout. I find my self always wishing I had a BR, then running into one of the power weapons on the map, like the quick spawning shotgun, or the Rocket, Sniper or Ghost. For me, I think Isolation was to small for the amount/different types of weapons it had. IMO, the Ghost and Mongeese don't fit the map, and the shotgun can really be dominant at times. Don't get me wrong, Isolation is one of my favorite maps, but I don't like the layout.

    The only vice that Assembly has, imo, is that the Hammer and Camo are way too close. The Hammer become too dominant in the bottom area and lets the hammer wielder come to the higher stages of the map without the fear of BR fire. This problem makes everyone throw grenades a lot when unneccesairy to possibly get a jump on their foe who they think is invisible. Other than that, it's my favorite slayer map from Mythic and I think it plays great (coming from a person who's only played it at a friends house, mind you).
  18. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I dont like Isolation with the default settings but when im playing the MLG Iso T6 variant it is a very fun map. The ghost really kills that map and the weapon layout is terrible but with a few editing to the variant it is actually a very good map, especially for hill. For Assembly i think the map is amazing. The layout is great, the map has a nice feel to it, and it works well with basically all competitive gametypes basically (havent tested for hill yet, but i know it plays slayer, flag, and ball very well)
  19. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I love Assembly, I don't know why everyone wants to veto it when I play Team Mythic. Team BRs are just so fun on Assembly.

    I can understand Isolation though, I hate that map.. Even though I got my first Ranked Perfection on it. It was in Team Doubles..
  20. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    hmmm if you want the truth it's because both maps lack forging abillities (but they make excellent maps for modding due to being able to place flood around isolation) but assembly brings me back to the old Halo 2 days one that one map that had two conveyer belts and was a very small area (wow I hated that map) so... I think that is the reason why people overlook them.

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