My friend and I found this while messing around. We don't know if anyone else had found this, but we don't know anyone else who has found it. Mrdrprofdyl (Me) and Bubbleboy50 have discovered this funny easteregg. This only appears RANDOMLY. It was a complete accident that we discovered it. I was just trying to block the gaurdian's death cannon with Bubbleboy50 and just saw it. Bubbleboy50 toke the picture. Download it from by clicking: Mrdrprofdyl Bubbleboy50 Comment if you wish. Tell your friends. Love ya
It's nothing new. I've noticed it while forging, too. You were the only person who actually took the time to post it here, so good job on that.
I've seen it once before, but still congrats on being able to find it on your own without knowing about it. I couldn't find it even when I knew about it lol
It actually does appear all the time... you just have to know which tower it's on. Good job finding it by your self though. (Blue Patriot... I posted this before in a map thread)