You are a great forger. Every map you've posted is very well made 5/5 i congratulate you on the great post
When AZN FTW created conquest, his weapon choice was based on using weapons with amply supplied clips. By using weapons such and the SMG and spiker rifle, players will not spend as much time reloading or searching for weapons scattered on the floor. This proved to be much less frustrating and improved the flow of gameplay when it came to combating large numbers of enemies at each territory. Although you start with the assualt rifle, players usually prefer to fight with the dual weapons. That is why I have placed the weapons like this on my map, but thank you for bringing that up! If you are looking for "a struggle for ammunition," you will also find that on this map when it comes to the bruteshot. The amount of spare clips in the bruteshot has been decreased. This gives greater value to the bruteshot without overpowering it. Worry not, young friend, Of the Essense is the best of both worlds. Oh hey cool this map just won the Conquest Forgeoff!
Great map. Are the bullet proof windows grenade proof? And also... i would like to see a bigger remake of this on sandbox
Yep they are very grenade-proof as well, as far as i know! Haha it's always hilarious to watch someone throw a spike grenade at the enemy team and watch it blow up in their face =P I'm not sure i'll do a remake right away. I think this map looks best with all the green double boxes, and personally, I think increasing the size of the map would kill it. But thanks for the suggestion!
this is a very nice map, congrats on the win. i like how you provided the "alternate spawn box" to help rid of any spawn killing, if there would be any. i can't think of any ways to improve your map, it's that great. i played 3v3 swat on this, it was epic and there was no spawn killing whatsoever. i just want to know what gametypes are supported [the full list]
Grats on winning! Very nice idea with the stairs and how everything is so perfect. It kinda gives it a better look. I'm gonna download this and i have no doubt that I'm gonna have a lot of fun. Good work!
This map is only compatible with the conquest gametype. I suppose you could play slayer on it was well. But other than that, it is not set up for any other game types. I am going to play around with some game types such as CTF and assault this week. I not sure if it is possible to grab the flag through the bulletproof windows, but i'll find out. If any other gametypes happen to play well on this map, I'll update the link to include them!
Wow this looks sweet and I was happy that I got to help test this! As far as the spawns were concerned, they were great. The box you could spawn in was a great addition. The part I loved the most was the "bulletproof" window... when I was testing it with you i kept trying to shoot through it/ chuck nades in. o well, i still got a Killtacular. XD Great job again and Congratz on winning the best conquest map, it really deserves it.
I tested this map too, grunt. By the way I was going to join you while you were forging and you were working on Of The Essence2
you're right, thanks for testing with me! Just so nobody makes any assumptions, i was only adding CTF, Assualt, and Oddball markers to OTE. The only change i made in the actual map was adding walls inside the stairs to prevent bullets from passing through other parts of the stairs besides the window. If you have discovered this secret out by now, you'll know what i mean. I am going to test it before i release a new version though. I may not release the change at all because being able to shoot out from those small areas has not changed gameplay at all so far. I think this will be really fun with other objective gametypes as well, but they update will be posted serperately Updated: Of the Essence just broke 900 downloads!
Looks a little small. Great aesthetics... the interlocking is really smooth and the Stair Windows are great (makes noobs waste bullets and grenades... Ive had one person commit suicide. Ive just finished playing it like a minute ago. The spawns are really (literally) killing me... since its so small.