Sky wars is a map where you fly around in the sky trying to shoot the enemy down. you spawn in the elephant and wait 30 seconds for takeoff. Once in the air you grab RPG's and try to shoot the enemy down. Yes you do fly and you can control the elephant. This is not a mod. Once bothe elefants hit the ground you must end the game. There are two game types: Infection where the zombie tries to shoot you down. Slayer where you try to shoot the other one down first. This game takes awhile to become a good flyer so it takes some practice. The map is made for symetric and asymetric. Honor rules: No using the hornets after crashing. In zombies do not spawn kill or take the zombie vehicles. Danger: Lag has occured with medium connection. Play local or with great connection. The new UNSC vehicle. Upon lift off do not get in any thing but the hornet. Once fully in the air you can now move around. (someone has to be always in the hornet.) While in the air watch out for skybergs. In the center of the area there is a spartan lazer. This just shows you that you can control it. Mount the turrets and take them down! Those are the basics and what it looks like in symetric. Infection is asymetric so the map looks different. Zombie spawn that holds the zombie for 45 seconds. Switch that lets the zombie out. Zombie's vehicles that are used to shoot you down. Zombie weapons to shoot you with. Human's get snipers to snipe the zombie. Missle pods to kill zombie vehicles. Please give it a couple tries. remember have good connection. Map Download: Slayer Download: Infection Download: Have fun flying. It took me 50 hours of work and perfecting to finaly finish. I hope my work made it a great map. Flying tips: You can only push the front end down not up (unless it is down) To turn put the front end down and then turn. Upon lift off stay in the hornet and do not let anyone else on anything. (turret, elephant, chopper) never get out of the hornet or it might fall. tricks just shake things up and move things out of place. avoid incoming RPG's let the best person fly. (doesn't always have to be you) the chopper is for exrta speed and turning, but may cause you to crash. please review
i had this idea a long time ago but the elephant would fall most of the time so i never finished. how often will the elephant successfully take off? if it works fine im giving it a 5/5. love the idea of the moving base
ok, have a few comments first...this game is AMAZING!! i loved how you can control the elephant!!! I did notice that after awhile the hornet come's loose and you can fall out of the hornet...i suggest putting weapon hilders on the barricades to hold them down, maybe teleporters too but otherwise great map!! good job on making a veryy funny game on a Pre-DLC 5/5
Same thing a X2SheaX, about having an idea 'bout it. I didn't know how I was going to do it, so i didn't, but you did it great! +1 for non-DLC +1 for innovation +1 for sheer awesomeness! 8/5 total, and qued(sp?)
There is already a map like this where u can fly elephants but i like what u did by making it a batttle in the air. It takes the old map, MAMMOTH and makes it a hell a lot better.
i tried this once, but insted of a crate i used 2 turret cases, i like shooting the elephant with rockets cause it tips and causes the driver to pull up sharply
I always seem to have trouble piloting the thing. is it because im not supposed to get in the hornet until fully in the air? thats probaly it.
V2 does anyone have an idea for a v2? Nodes do not work to secure things and displace the center of balance. Please give me good ways to make changes that will improve this map greatly.
DUUUDe this is so cool! this looks so amazing. i really wanna do the slayer verison. that sounds intense. amazing job. i am impressed. sept i dont see where the humans weapons spawn? maybe a pic?
wow, this looks amazing, so in normal team slayer you get fly yours at the enemy's the idea is spectacular and looks like so much fun!5/5 if everything functions correctly oh, and what exactly are the choppers for? steering?
comments I could really use helpful critisizm. I know the map is amazing, 50 hours of work does not make a bad map. seeing each persons responses helped but I need more than THIS MAP IS AMAZING!!! 5/5. I need things like : wow great map 5/5, but blah blah blah needs fixing or blah needs to be improved. General questions will help to improve the main thread. I could use more help to make this the best map ever.