well i decided to make some effect guides so here they are... ok so to make a picture like this where your guy looks all shaky you have one invisible guy with a hammer swing it at your guy posing for the picture and when you see the flash of blue look through the end of the hammer at your guy posing if done right he should look all shaky lol if you have any effects you want to know how to do just ask me and i'll try to find out how to do it and post it here
I remember one guy had a "digital" effect where there were large squares of different colors oh and thanks for telling about this effect. secrets like this are always so obvious and right under your nose but u can never find it until someone tells lol.
Hmmm i dont really understand. Can you maybe help me out or something? I love to make screenshots and i love this effect, but yea. soo mesege me on FH or add me on XBL my GT: A Bag Of SkitLz Disturbed916 ( I have 2 accounts) ^^^ Nice Pic BTW
Nice, but there is a flaw. You can see the grav hammer handle on the right hand side, near the end of the beam rifle. It's still a nice effect, though. Good find.
The one with the reflection of spartan and scenery in all the squares? u have to go into campaign with happy bday grunt skull on and take pic of confetti that comes out of the grunt when u head shot it
It's called pixelation. It's random and is just a glitch of the game. I've managed to get one to work. Halo 3 File Details