Sandbox Fenix bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mitchifision, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
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    This is my map Fenix Bridge. It’s a remake of the map in Gears of War 2 called river. The weapons in this map are the same as the ones in GOW 2 but since I couldn't get a tourqe bow I replaced it with a sniper rifle. I also had to add some weapons because I felt like their weren't enough. It works with all game types except juggernaut, infection and neutral assault. When you’re playing on this map you either snipe or hide behind cover and take enemies out close quarters style. If you run out into the open you will be killed INSTINTLY! As always missile pods beat warthog so if you’re planning on driving you will definitely want your team using the missile pods. There is no river in this map so if you fall off the edge you die. I made the bridege out of pallets because I wanted their to be a way you could keep the flag carrier from getting across. Thats only if he doesn't no about the secret way of course. Oh and one last thing. You might realise that one team spawns closer to the bridge and you might think they have the advantage. This isn’t true because if you think about it you will still have to walk the same distance to the other base no matter how close you are to the bridge. The only time this might be an advantage is when your play territories or advantage. If you have played territories or king of the hill on this map though you will know that having the bridge close to you isn’t really an advantage since the territory or hill will be blown up before you get to it. Here are some photos.

    An overview of my map.

    This is the base.

    This is the house where the fire grenades spawn in.

    The warthog makes a speedy get away with the flag carrier but the sniper is keen to stop them.

    As I said this map is all about cover.

    Fenix bridge is burning down, burning down, burning down.

    No bridge no hope (unless you know the secret way).

    The last stand!

    The sniper stands at the look out point.

    Hyperact1v3 goes close quarters style on his guest in the blue team!

    I'm sure many of you realised thay my map had holes in it. I was going to fix it but I reached the object limit :(

    Weapon list:
    1x missile pod
    4x frag grenades
    4x plasma grenades
    4x spike grenade
    4x fire grenades
    4x battle rifles
    2x assault rifles
    2x shotgun
    2x energy sword
    2x sniper

    Thanks to Sycoskillz and my other friends and guests who helped me play test this map.

    I just got an Xbox and halo 3 4 months ago so I'm new to forging. So give constructive criticism. I want to know what I did right and what I did wrong.

    Here is a timeline of this map for those interested. I started building this map on the 12th if March and named it GOW river. On friday the 13th i managed to complete one half of the map. On saturday the 14th I finished it. My friends and I play tested it and fixed some errors. On Sunday the 14th I made the map playable with all game types (except Juggernaut, infection and nuetral).

    Thanks for reading DOWNLOAD HERE: will also find my other maps Runway and SB Surface dwellers here.

    Download and rate :D
    #1 Mitchifision, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  2. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    Pictures Not Found :(
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub. I am here to say that this thread is not up to the forum's standards. You need at least one embedded picture in the thread. I can see that you tried to copy and paste the images from Bungie into the thread, and obviously it didn't work. Follow this tutorial on how embed images into your thread.

    Thanks, Happy Forging
  4. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thx i'll fix now
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is a tutorial on THIS THREAD to embed you pics that is much easier than eguitarplaya's.
  6. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm on photo bucket right now so the photos will be up soon. I've just got to wait for them to download.
  7. yogi j bear

    yogi j bear Ancient
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    I also am new here, but I read in the posting tutorial that you can not link to your file share for the map, click on the map in your file share and use that as the url.
    #7 yogi j bear, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  8. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok thanks for telling me. I just put up a weapons list and the images are back on!
  9. yogi j bear

    yogi j bear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool to me but I am no pro, will give her a go tonight.
  10. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map looks decently similiar to river from GoW2, but I think that it's a bit too small to have warthogs in it. Also the secret way is the man cannons next to the sniper spawn I'm guessing
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    in the original i remember there being more under the bridge i think it affects gameply alot but every thing else looks like a good replica also i can think of a couple ways across the destroyed bridge
  12. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i have played river once or twice [i'm not a GOW/2 kinda person, but idk]. from what i remember, this is an average recreation. it kinda seems like you screwed up the proportions of the map, it seems much more condensed and the cover is out of place. ea, you basically left out the whole cover areas on the warthog side. there is some, but not much. everything is not detailed enough, so i will just consider this a beta rather than a v1.
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    really nice map. though i do have some suggestions:

    tell what te "secret way" is. unless of course it is walking on broken apllet pices which is obvious :p

    instead of sniper rifle for torque bow, use a splazer. it to has very limited ammo, a charge time, explosive damage, and 1 hit kills. it is asically the brother of the torque bow.

    take out shields. if you want gameplay tobe about cover, you want no shields and no starting grenades. trst me, too man times i have found a perfect spot to wait for my shields to recharge and then a frcking grenade comes and kills me when realistically that wouldnt happen.

    im sorry im tired so m spelling weird.

    space out the bases a little. from what i can tell, a br is just as useful as a sniper on this map. i could probably out BR a sniper from the opposite house because of overly-close quarters. in the real map they are much farther apart.
  14. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    It's a fairly close remake of River, I must say. Pity i don't play GoW2 enough to know (because it's dreadful online). However, I can see the sniper towers and the truck area are very close.

    One thing I don't like is the idea of the 'hog. Is that optional in the gametype?
    And another thing: centre bridge. Where's the under-side, and why is it so open and destroyable? One thign that made River so good was that there was a seocnd route between bases that took longer, but also remoevd you from sniping lines temporarily.

    With your map, you only have 1 way of getting past, and that's destroyable. So if that's destroyed, won't that leave everyone stranded sniper fodder?
  15. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    I say i have never seen a river GoW 2 remake and this is pretty good my friends were playing on this a bit 4/5
  16. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    he spcifically talked about a secret route......
  17. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    The destructible bridge is pretty good, especially owing to the fact that you die should you fall off =). Im sure the river map in gears2 is a little bigger, but you say you reached the budget limit so i'll let you off with that one ;)

    3.5/5 overall - keep it up.
  18. Pikled platypus

    Pikled platypus Ancient
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    Wow, nice map! It's really well-made and accurate. The only thing I think you should make it a little bigger and add the rest of the map (where you spawn in Gears of War 2). This is the best remake I've seen on Sandbox, and the first from Gears of War 2. Also, nice choice for the map, I really like River.
  19. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Awe man I loved this map from gow2. You made a really nice remake but I guess the warthogs are a little much. Nice cover over all. A GEARS OF WAR 2 gametype would be nice because in Halo you dont use much cover like in GOW2, which is all cover. Maybe lower shields and slower movement will increase overall gameplay. 8/10
  20. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    it's a good remake apart from the fact that you can walk under the bridge on gears of war 2

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