Lost Cave *UPDATED* Lost Cave _________________________________________________ Description This map is the first conquest map I have made. This map has more interlocking than some of my other maps and is the fourth map I made on Sandbox. I have tested this map during the Real7alk community games. The gameplay was solid, but I had to do some work to it after the games and did. This map also includes 2 stair cases, 3 hallways, and 2 starting rooms. I would also include that there is a roof on this map. There are 8 starting points on each side of the map and there is a total of 22 spawn points with 11 on each side. Edit:I would also include that there is a roof on this map. The images below are images with the roof being gone. Editx2: The players have been increased to 8-16 players. The map also had a bit more changes, mostly in the middle hall way. _________________________________________________ Weapons and Equipment Spawns BR x1 [spawns 45 seconds] SMG x2 [each spawn 45 seconds] Spiker x2 [each spwan 20 seconds] Plasma Rifle x2 [each spwan 20 seconds] Needler x2 [each spawn 60 seconds] Frag Grenades x4 [all spawn 20 seconds] Custom Power Up x2 [each spawn 30 seconds] ______________________________________________________________ Images Hallway A Hallway A [roof] Hallway B Hallway B [roof] Stair Case A Stair Case B Middle Hallway Middle Hallway [roof] Room A (Starting Points) Room B (Starting Points) ______________________________________________________________ Download Lost Cave Here Download Conquest V3 Here
wow I can't edit my post, sorry for double posting lol but it won't let me edit my post due to computer issues... This map has quite a few problems with it. First it may have interlocking but the layout is a zig zag with no objects or anything else in the way of anything. ONly straight fighting with no cover. This map could be easily broken to. They could double jump or grenade jump onto the edge and go get the back territory and it would be nothing like true conquest. Make use of all themoney and unique objects that sandbox has to offer!
This map has quite a few problems with it. First it may have interlocking but the layout is a zig zag with no objects or anything else in the way of anything. ONly straight fighting with no cover. This map could be easily broken to. They could double jump or grenade jump onto the edge and go get the back territory and it would be nothing like true conquest. Make use of all themoney and unique objects that sandbox has to offer! I wish people would read. He said that in the pictures, the roof is removed so that you can see inside. On to the map. I think that it would be very fun on Conquest, but you should have added some cover inside the hallways. It would most likely be twice as fun. Nice map. I look forward to seeing more from you in the future. 4/5
contains things that would be seen on a conquest map, but seems very bland and there seems to be no interlocking used. maybe include a pic of the map with its roof on, for more details. i am sorry 2.65/5
even with an amazing roof this is still the most boring and plain design that anyone could possibly come up with for conquest. im sorry to be harsh about it, but maybe put a bit more thought into your design next time. 0/5.
Hey now, Titmar, I think this map deserves more than a passing glance. After all the fuss about whats right or wrong about a conquest map, i don't blame ya for going back to the basics. This looks like it fits most of the rules quite well though. I'd say this is about as standard and basic as you get when it comes to conquest (which is good to see once in a while. And great for new conquest-ers). I'm glad you made the middle hallway elevated, that slightly changes things. And my goodness, the needler is going to have a blast! As for the forging and quality of the map itself, i think it could use some work. You have several holes in the floor. Its always a shame to lose a good frag due to a gap in the floor. The floor looks quite smooth though, i'll give ya that. And i'm sure the roof helps some. I encourage you to make the map compatible with 16 players, because it looks to be a bit slow for small parties (with such long hallways and whatnot). Oh and good choice leaving the sniper out. Even with the new conquest (v4) variant, people would hang back in at the end of the hall, i'm sure. Could you include a picture of the spawn points or at least explain them in your post? It looks like you did well with the spawn boxes, but I wanna double check. And one more question, do all the territories touch? (Or is there gap between them?) Well done, HaterSkater. EDIT: ah great you got more pictures up! First off, those spawn points need a bit of work. I don't think anyone wants to spawn facing a wall like that, especially if the enemy team is trying to capture the last territory. See those two spawn points facing walls (in the hall) and the two starting points in the corners? Try and turn those to face the opening, or direction players should go when they first spawn (for the starting points, i would suggest making them face each other, so they are at a 90 degree angle with the opening). And lastly, it would be a good idea to put a few extra spawn points in the starting box as well. Other than that, I think you should be okay!
Congrats on moving into the world on conquest, but this map is super plain and looks like it could be made in a couple of hours. Next time try to add a little cover and dont just lay the weapons on the ground.
The layout is okay but everything else needs improvement. The weapons are horrid and in horrible places. The spawn points cleary are just laid down in a general area in stead of havingit let u run the main path. It needs a lot of improvement.