iShoot is fun! At least, now it is, what with all the weapons customizations that you can make now. I have a few custom ones that I like a lot. They probably won't "balance" with the normal weapon sets, but they're pretty neat. Example one: Bouncer. I set a Ground Burst that releases 3 more Ground Bursts, and those Ground Bursts release 3 Shells that do minor damage individually. To the player, the gun shoots a bomb that basically bounces. There, happy? You got any more?
I have a few, there's a series of lasers (skylances) that do increasing amounts of damage, with larger releases a bunch of ground bursts, which in turn release a bunch of mini mortars...then my personal favorite, the spazshot. Its a machine gun with a really high angle and power variance, so it flies EVERYWHERE.
Here are a few weapons I made. A ground burst that launches two cluster bombs that relase lots of weak penatestors which don't under dirt much so it looks like a fire cracker. A pellit gun that shoots several dirt pellits in machine gun fire. A depth charge which is like a meltdown that also releases rollers which blow up inside the mountain. An aftershock which is a cluster of 2 sub munition ground bursts which hits with one wave and the second bounces in the air to hit later. I have a sniper that shoots random penatrators or little excavators that will gothrough lots of dirt and does serious damage but is hard to aim. My favorite is the Judgement Lasers which shoots a cluster of ground bursts which shoot lots of small random colored lasers. I have many more if anyone is interested in more of my ideas just ask I got way more