Extinction Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Obibital, Mar 28, 2009.


What is your favorite map?

  1. Haven

  2. Cardiac

  3. Compression

  4. None

  1. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    I wounder if anyone has been thinking where ive been? well ive gotten a few ideas over the months but this one is the one game that gets posted, or i should say the one Map Pack that gets posted. Extinction is a mixture of Manifest helps on the way and Left 4 dead. in other words, zombies not easy to kill, headshots are death and same with shotgun blasts. humans have Over Sheilds, start with pistols, and have a small supply of ammuntion.​

    Well first off for the people who dont feel like reading here are all of the Links and each map. descriptions will be next.​

    A map with tight corners and wide spaces, the first map i made, in my opinion the most agrivating to beat.​

    Cardiac is my favorite of the three, open space many buildings, and LOTS of choice for zombie movement, making the gameplay fast and fun.​

    Compression is a map, well mostly a tight map everywhere. its lots of fun when played correctly and has to be played with the thinkers to clear an obsticale or two.​

    The mixture between Manifest and Left 4 Dead, WATCH YOUR BACK.​

    Player Stats

    Damage Resistance-200%
    Sheild Multiplyer-No Sheilds
    Sheild Recharge-No
    Sheild Vampirism-Unchanged
    Immune To Headshots-Unchanged
    Weapon-Energy Sword
    Sensors-10 meter, Normal
    Forced color-Zombie

    Damage Resistance-200%
    Sheild Multiplyer-3x
    Sheild Recharge-No
    Sheild Vampirism-Unchanged
    Immune To Headshots-Unchanged
    Sensors-10 meter, Normal
    Forced color-None

    Time limit-5 minutes



    The very first map that was made.

    This is the building you start in, carful on the exit.

    This is the second building on the left, which is optional and has weapons, but dangerous. the third building is on the left.

    Fourth Building watch out above!

    The finale room is secret no pictures for you.


    YouTube FlyThrough

    This is hands down the most loved map of them all.

    This is where the survivors are "camping"

    Second building, look everywhere, two hidden weapons

    Third building, guns, but too many entrances, get in get the ammo and GTFO.

    Large factory, lots of weapons in the back, but lots of zombie hiding spots too, *crouch to get in*

    To get to the finale room break down the barrier, you have some help.


    Youtube FlyThrough

    As the title says, its a compressed map, tight corners, watch eachothers backs.

    This is where you begin, stay too long and teleporters open all around you, insant death.

    the second building, get to the roof to cross the pallet bridge.

    get through this building to get around the block ally.

    This is the challenge, can you figure out how to get across the fence?

    Entrance to the finale building. no peaking.

    But here is a sneak peek at the entrances above. pallets cover zombie holes.


    • Dont stay in one place, your death is garenteed.
    • Dont throw away your only gun for a sword.​
    • Dont use a sword against zombies, you die.​
    • Move quickly but pay attention, in other words, watch the radar!​
    • when moving through the map, check for weapons​
    • AND DONT be a weapon hogger, share them or it may cost you YOUR LIFE!​
    • Also stock up on firebombs for the Tank, or in otherwords, the powerful Gravity hammer wielding zombie.​
    There will be a Video by tommorow for all of those nervous to DL a possibly bad game. ​

    This game was made possible to all of my testers and the video to Bluepenguin (when it comes out)
    #1 Obibital, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  2. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    Really cool, i played this a few times during testing. its really fun if you try to play it, cardiac would have to be my favorite. 5/5
  3. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    judging by the pics cardiac look like most fun, i've played helps on the way whuich my and my friends loved so i wonder what they'll think of theese maps. great maps!
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    oooh I do believe I played on this earlier today. It was pretty fun in the beginning despite a few flaws which plagued me as a zombie such as the hole next to the 2nd reciever node ( it is hard to get down). Also, I hope you fixed the whole thing with the humans spawning in the alleyway thing instead of inside the base.

    ^^^^ Talking about the second map.

    Overall I would say you accomplished what you wanted to acomplish, I just wasn't a fan of it. It was fun the first time, but got somewhat boring. Still, they are good maps and I give it a 4/5
  5. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    I like the vairety in these maps. Me and my friends played this for a while and it was really awesome at the beginning but sortof became the same old infection after a while. I like the breakable pallets and astheticly placed objects such as the upside down vehicles.
    BTW> you spelled guaranteed wrong in your description. You were probably just typing a little fast. ;)
  6. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    I find Cardiac really fun wit hat least 5 people...4/5 on map pack ( i didn't like the first one )....5/5 on Cardiac and Compressed. Funny story my friend on Compressed was shooting out and there was a pallet behind him then like a Japanese Warrior would jump up and stab it was so funny and then he was like WTF was That this map is rigged mother BLAM!......Fun times fun times
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    these maps all look great!
    i really like the idea with cardiac with the whole "camping" thing
    i will defenatly download ALL of them for i love intense infection maps
  8. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    Cardiac is now uploaded to youtube!
    check it out! it's game play of obibital

    I really had fun playing cardiac. next, on compressed, it got old pretty fast. finally on hevan, i got lost.
    First off to review, hevan.
    Twas challanging. never understood were to go.(potentail problem)
    from tight rooms to wide spaces, zomnies had trouble getting the humans. maybe switching shotguns for outdoor spawns, and br's for indoors could really challenge the humans.
    now cardiac.
    Best map in the pack. not hard, not easy.
    there was that one spawn issue.
    i don't know if you fixed it.

    finally compressed.
    close quaters + maltovs= epic win fail?
    maltovs inside can kill zomnies quick, but throwing them is hard to do.
    #8 bluepenguin23, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  9. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Ok just to let everyone know that sees this post i will be posting the next map to extinction within the week, its called Industry (dont complain about the name) and its on my fileshare if you want to Dl it but im not making the post just yet.
  10. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I liked these maps I thought they were decently forged. The layouts on the maps to have also been very well thought out I noticed. However, I didn't favor the gametype because it takes forever to kill the humans when your a zombie. When the humans pick up a sword it is pracically an instant kill every single time and that makes it frustrating for the zombies. Even if all the zombies team up it is still hard to kill them. I see that you accomplished what you were trying to do so i would give it a 3.9999/5
  11. Morgan Lives

    Morgan Lives Ancient
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    Darn these maps look great! I like how it kind of resembles Help's on the Way also. These are the types of zombies games I enjoy! You got my download! 5/5
  12. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    i understand what your saying but if the zombies work together to ambush the humans and use multiple entrances, it only takes about 30-50 seconds. my also my new map has more than one entrance in every building and it does in fact prevent all camping. and please no one complain about it being named Industry, its not off of foundry, its an industrial area.
  13. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    Holy snap! Orbital I am impressed! I loved your Hurrican Town map and after playing that, I have faith in these bad boys! I'm going to download not just because they look great, but also because it looks frantic and a similar in gameplay to Help's on the Way (which was awesome). When I'm on again, I'll get a party of 8 or so together and play these. Nice work! 5/5

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