Icicle Canyon Created by pablomeister Supported Gametypes: made for cops and robbers. Map Description this map was made for cops and robbers.its assymetrric and has a variety of different things to do. it differs from other cops and robbers maps because the robbers already spawn free and its the cops job to find them and arrest them.theres a variety of weapons on the map for the robbers to help them repel the cops. The map includes geomerging and interlocking but is my first major map. this is my first post on forgehub and i would love constructive critiscism.this map utilizes all of avalanche so i dont know if im going to be able to cover everything with my pics. this is my first post so im going to try my best. weapon list brute shot x1, battle rifle x2, fuel rod x1, spartan laser x1, gravity hammer x1, sentinel beam x1, rocket x1, sniper x1 most of these weapons are found on the cop side and are therefore harder to access. i know you guys might be thinking that this might be overpowering, but the cops have good traits that balance out everything. the cops the cops spawn in their base that is equipped 1 warthog, 1 hornet, 1 wraith, 1 mongoose, and teleporters to jail and the sniper balcony.(all this will be shown later) the cops spawn with plasma pistols and shottys. the plasma pistol plays a major role in this game, it can be used to stop those annoying robbers on vehicles that speed by you. the cops side is also equipped with a cannon(unmoveable scorpion) mounted on top of a small bunker which contains a fuel rod. the jail is located in what people call the ice cave, where the rockets spawn on default avalanche. the jail is escapable with the help of a teammate. he needs to get a vehicle close enough to the wall that the player in jail can ride with him. the sniper balcony is located on the roof of the middle of the map, it is more useful to the robbers then cops since the cops cant pick up the sniper. the balcony can still be used to search since it has a good view of the robbers side.under the balcony is another small base for the cops containing a plasma turret a BR, 1 firebomb grenade and a mongoose for a high speed chase. this base isnt used very much but it looks great so i decided to leave it in the final version of the map. the robbers the robbers spawn on the other side of the map. their base is equipped with a ghost, a warthog, and 2 mongooses. the robbers side contains many many places to hide and the only entrance to the cave in the middle, but beware! the cops will think that you couldnt have gotten far and will be looking for you on this side. the cave contains a double box with a gravity hammer in it. and a platform used to get higher up in the cave. the brute shot, sentinel beam and a trip mine is located on the robbers side but telling you were would be too difficult so ill let you guys find it.(rofl) this side contains many geomerged boxes providing cover and also big piles of "trash" that are awesome hiding spots. now onto pics! pictures this is the cops base, up on top you can see a little landing pad type of thing. thats like a sorta last stand type of thing. only accesible with the hornet. / this is the entire side of the map on the cops side you can see the cannon the jail and and cops base in the background. robbers base robbers side the cave(inside the double box lies the gravity hammer) the jail(inside contains 1 soccer ball, a deployable cover and regenerator) sniper balcony, has power cores to help people on the floor knock them off cop base # 2 gravity cave last stand landing pad thanks for looking at my post and hope you download! Halo 3 File DetailsDownload Icicle canyonHalo 3 File DetailsDownload Rops & Cobbers
Looks decent, but it seems a little to big to be cops and robbers. I can't seem to figure out how you would get to some of the screenshots you put up. There seems to be a few structures that are two high in the air to get to. You might want to delete your second post. You're not allowed to double post on forgehub. Welcome to Forgehub by the way! P.S. Why would someone kill themselves over a great map? Then they couldn't play it.
i like it lik crazy the game play is sik and the thrown together s**t for the robbers to hide in is crazy
the sniper balcony is accesible by a telly in the robbers base,and the other one is only acessible by hornet. thanks a lot for commenting