The Watchtower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Backwards Logic, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    The Watchtower Version 2.0 - Armories Removed
    by Backwards Logic

    Supported Gametypes

    This map was designed with 1 bomb and 1 Flag CTF specifically in mind. However, it will work with other Team Games, such as slayer, King of the Hill, and Oddball as well as the other CTF and Assault variants. 4 v 4 and 5 vs 5 is best, but it can support larger parties.

    Map Layout

    As the title implies, the map is dominated by a large central watchtower where the flag spawn and bomb depository is located inside an open room. The lone entrance to this room is blocked by a large dumpster, but this can be moved out of the way by a constantly respawning grav lift. Just be careful when walking underneath the lift that you don't get sucked to the top. If this happens, just destroy the lift, and the dumpster will still be far enough away that you'll be able to jump out.

    To the left of the main watchtower lies another two-story structure that is crucial to control. Atop this tower is a sniper rifle which gives a clean line of sight to the top of the main tower as well as other parts of the map. Due to its proximity to both attacker and defender spawns, this typically becomes an urban fight to the death for tower supremacy. Also added in here is a lone rocket launcher with extra clips, so acquiring this tool of destruction should be a high priority.

    To the right of the main watchtower lies a smaller sniper tower as well as what I call the exploding room. the sniper tower is just that - a narrower sniper tower that's taller. A teleporter at its base gives easy access to the top room. From here, the sniper has great sight lines to almost the entire map, but there is no cover up here as well. The exploding room is a rather interesting area. Giant barriers act as door which can't be moved by almost any sort of weapon fire. So, how do you get inside? The only way to open this room up is to set off a chain reaction by shooting the fusion coils atop the structure. When this starts, stand back, as the doors open with a ton of speed. Inside this room rests a lone gravity hammer along with a speed boost power-up, perfect for taking down anyone camping atop the watchtower.

    The defenders have access to a handful of shotguns and battle rifles along with a few grenades and the aforementioned sniper rifles. Atop the main tower sits a flamethrower as well. Their tough, defensible location makes it a challenge for the attackers to storm the towers.

    So how do the attackers actually accomplish their mission? They start with access to the power weapons before the defenders do, as well as proximity to battle rifles, smg's, carbines, and a beam rifle. They also have an invisibility power-up for an element of stealth. This respawns quickly for them, so should their first attack run not work out, it will be back shortly later. Once geared up for war there are a number of ways into the complex, so the attackers can mix it up as they like. They can all go in together, or they can split up for flanking maneuvers. Either way, teamwork is crucial to oust the defenders.


    The view from the attackers main spawn area. The larger sniper tower is in the foreground.
    By BackwardsLogic

    Here's the view from the right side. The exploding room is in the foreground with the taller sniper tower looming in the background.
    By BackwardsLogic

    Opening the exploding room. See if you can find the invisible guy!
    By BackwardsLogic

    Here's a close-up of the watchtower. Note the grav lift to the left of the room. This respawns every 10 seconds.
    By BackwardsLogic

    Opening the room up to get inside. Try not to walk underneath the grav lift!
    By BackwardsLogic

    Here's a good reason not to camp inside. He was crouching in the room.
    By BackwardsLogic

    Well, I hope my presentation was good enough to earn your download. I thank you for taking the time to look at my map, and please leave feedback - good or bad! I'm constantly looking for ideas to improve the map, and your input would be appreciated. And for the map's Easter Egg: There's a Fuel Rod Cannon hidden somewhere accessible in the map. See if you can find it without going into forge mode for a challenge!

    Download The Watchtower
  2. lazarus talon

    lazarus talon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty cool, ill try and dl then get back to ya after that :squirrel_rocking:
  3. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    bigger screenshots please?
  4. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    despite the small pics, i love your description, and from what i see it looks like a really nice layout and was built well. will download.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    looks good i will download it and play it partly because it looks good (but it's hard to tell from the small screens please enlarge) and partly to say " i've been all along the watchtower"
  6. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    its looks like a prision lol and this would be a good map to play the song "all along the watchtower" to great map!
  7. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    Screenshots have been fixed. Thanks for posting and let me know what you think!
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Never make an armoury. It encourages camping. It offers players any weapon they want without them having to work for it. It shows your lack of creativity when it comes to weapon placement. I dont want to see this in any of your future maps.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I agree with Matty, if you removed the armory this map would be much better. The layout itself looks very good though. And I like the entrance to the one tower. I bet this would make a fun territories match.
  10. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    In initial game testing, the armory did make for a terrible spawn camping site. This was removed by the addition of multiple spawining areas for the attackers along with a second armory (covenant themed - sorry no pics yet). The defenders could camp all they wanted, but it still left the base open to attack.
  11. Mister Gigglez

    Mister Gigglez Ancient
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    good looking map
  12. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    First things first, no armory, ive been in alot of maps with that and all the people tend to do is go camp. You could keep the weapons but spread them around the map.

    The map itself looks great though. I like how you have multiple towers, they look really cool too. Good Work

    Edit: ok, im downloading and im going to test it with my friends
  13. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    Thanks for the input everyone! It seems the most obvious thing to do to improve the map is take apart the armory and spread the weapons around. I'm thinking of a putting a rocket launcher or Laser in the large sniper tower on the main level - perhaps there will be a rush for it in the early game? Maybe another weapon atop the exploding room? I'll start working on it as soon as I have time, but in the meantime I'd like some feedback on gameplay overall, especially in 1 flag and 1 bomb variants.
  14. Sid

    Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map but fusing some more items on the map could make it look all nice and smooth but overall great concept and map.
  15. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good but try interlocking more objects
  16. preplook1

    preplook1 Ancient
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    looks cool and very well made
  17. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
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    Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I have finally gotten around to it and have removed anything resembling an armory from the map. The attackers still start in that room, but it has been stripped of all power weapons, save for one shotgun. The entire back hallway now has a number of weapons, mostly battle rifles and carbines, but smg's and plasma rifle combos can be found on the ground too. The opposite side armory (the one near the exploding room) now has a few battle rifles and has a beam rifle to help out the attackers a bit. As for the other power weapons, I have moved them out of the former armory, but they are still closer to the attackers for balance issues. Respawn points remain spread out for both teams, so camping in one room where all of the weapons spawn is no longer a viable strategy. Overall, pretty much every weapon has been moved to a new location, and I think this is for the better. Please download and let me know what you think of the map now!
  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i thought it was fine before bu this version works much better
  19. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The towers look really interesting and realistic. Very nice job.
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa dude! Very nice, I love the look of this map. I am definately going to download this. It really looks great. - Brute Captain

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