Hey everyone I was in Florida for a week but now im back and I have this sweet new map for you. It is bassed on SWAT as you can see by the title of the map. This map is symmetrical from bunker to bunker, not from side to side. I say this because there is a tunnel on one side of the map and not on the other. OK now onto everyones favourite part, SCREENSHOTS. This is just a bassic overview of the hole map from above. This is me in the bllue bunker shootin to red. Its perfect hight to see over. This is sort of an overview of what each base looks like inside. They are both the same. The lift brings you to the second level of the bunker. At the top there is 5 carbines. Magnum spawn on ramp to middle. Perfect hight if you crouch and good for 1v1 battle. Plasma and frag grenade spawns.(opposite eachother.) Overshields spawn on middle contraption. One of 3 entrances to tunnel. Down tunnel to red side. Comin out of tunnel on red side. Overview of inside of red bunker. Thnx guys hope you download. Here it is: Halo 3 File Details Thnx guys again and be prepared to get yoself raped.
ok i have one word badass... ok so 2 words. either way i love the idea you had for this, love swat (h8 elites, srry if you are one but i dnt care). it has alot of qualities that a good swat map should have. good job 4.8/5 (if it's meant for swat, take out the oversheild and nades.)
Good! This map is excellent. Finally someone introduce a real SWAT map. This map there are open spots but at the same time you can be sneaky and hide behind objects perfect size, very similar to real warfare 4/5 because objects could be interlocked
there cant be an overshield in SWAT! SWAT is with no shields, therefore doesn't let you use an overshield.
well it looks great and im not complaining about the OS cuz in swat if the settings r rite and it says No Shields... then it will only work for about 5 seconds and then it disappears... so its rly no big deal... and plus grenades r on maps like blackout in SWAT so they can be put there IMO.... anyway the map looks pretty sweet i hope to dl later when the maps come out for evry1 as most of my friends dont have the maps... (as far as ik only 1 of my friends do...)
I like the idea of this map, but it needs to be smoothed out a little (judging from the pictures...) overall, I give this map a 4/5, and what is up with the upside down man cannons? I have never seen that used in a map as a ramp? Also Lawl at OV in Swat.
Umm the map looks good. I like how you made the bunkers but I would take out the mancannon and make stairs or something to get ontop. I don't really like the mancannons on swat, i don't know why. Its just an opinion. I can't really judge the map becuase I don't even have the mythic map packs but the map looks good. Why do people anyways say things need to be interlocked? The map can still be good without interlocking. Like they made a contest recently about making non-interlocked maps and the maps turned out just fine?
The overshields are alil bit of an advantage they only last for like 5 seconds so its all good.Actually i used some interlockin but for my next couple maps there wont be as much cuz i wanna see how it goes. NEXT MAPS SWAntraption (symmetrical) Safari SWAT (symmetrical)