Your Opinion on the MMORPG Game Runescape

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    What is your opinion on this nifty simple little online RPG?

    Personally I dislike all MMORPGs because they're pretty pointless. No matter how good you are at them, there's always about 1000 people who are better. Runescape introduced me to MMORPGs, but was the reason that I decided I didn't like the genre. Swearing at strangers and posting in funny colours like this seemed like a good idea when I was 12 (at the time), but the novelty quickly wore off, and I just couldn't get into it.
    I dropped out at level 12 (lol), and never went back.

    Admittedly, the basis of Runescape was much more enjoyable in my eyes than World of Warcraft. But I still disliked both; WoW just pipping Runescape at the line of being boring.

    What is your opinion on this simple, relatively interesting [if you like MMORPGs] game?
    If you liked it, what level are you now?
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    When I used to play them I liked them.

    They were just sort of something to do whenever I had the time. If I had 20 mins to spare, I'd grind a bit and earn some experience. It was just something where I could visually see and feel my progression.

    When I got to the higher levels it became very time consuming, and if I wanted the best weapons, armor, potions, etc. I had to spend hours doing raids or hours earning money to buy them off the auction.

    So yes, I think they're enjoyable, but eventually become too time consuming. I'm too casual.
  3. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Raids? Auctions? This is all about Runescape Shatakai, not all MMORPGs. Just Runescape.

    Runescape used to be a big hit at my elementary school, back in the 6th grade. But now everybody who used to play thinks they are too cool to play video games, and that hanging out at a football game every friday is a lot better. I, personaly hate Runescape. But all my friends are getting back into it. I think it's cool and all that Jagex decided to create a free MMORPG that required no downloads or anything. But really, if you are going to waste your time on Runescape, you had might as well waste your time on World of Warcraft. Seeing as World of Warcraft gives you more to do, and requires more socializing, and less standing in one place chopping at a tree for hours on end.

    Runescape is just to repetitive for me. I prefer building things.. like Halo 3's forge mode!
    #3 Conkerkid11, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  4. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Runescape is a very basic MMORPG. In Guild Wars, I currently have something like 820 hours over 40 months of playtime. I still haven't even beat it. I'll admit it though, its a nice thing to do during summer except sleep in.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Runescape is like Pringles. Once you pop, you just can't stop. (Though I managed to, somehow)
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Once you get good at runescape, you just can't stop. I somehow did but not till I was level 101 and I got to high school. lol
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Runescape is for nurds!

    I got to lvl 8.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Lets just say, long story short, played for like 3 years, and stopped, and cant play again. But I still talk to some of my clanmates on forums though.
  9. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Well,I love runescape...
    im playing it as i type lol
    I love skilling
  10. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    MMOs are very time-consuming, that goes for all of them.

    Runescape, is a more accessible MMO compared to others, as it doesn't require players to pay, or have the latest and greatest graphics card.

    The skills are varied and the XP curve makes it enjoyable, but not easy. The game features a good 20 Free to Play quests, and a good 100 more for those who are members, so there are benefits to being a member.

    The membership only costs around $6.00 US Dollars per month, so it's a pretty affordable MMO as well, compared to WoW's $100 up-front price tag (for all expansions) and a $13.00 USD per months subscribtion fee, just to even play the game.

    However, Runescape can be rather bland. It's graphics aren't all that pretty and the Combat System is rather shakey. Leveling can be very repetitive, and it's doesn't really offer much for PvP unless you are a member.

    All in all, I believe Runescape is a nice introduction into the world of MMOs, but not something I would play over WoW.
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i used to play on and off a few years back. now that i look at it, i coulda spent my time watching tv or watching porn. i think mmo's are a waste of time mostly. they are just boring and when you look at the chats that go on, it can get pretty nerdy.

    Edit: i almost forgot, the first girlfriend i evre had i cyber-****ed on runescape. hard to do but somehow satisfying in the short term
    #11 The Spartan III, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I played it once, I found out all u do is like weird life like things like fish, sell crap, and shtuff, then found out u do weird nonlife thins like become a troll thing, and no... after that I was like no way... why not just go play troll wars outside with like paint ball guns (because that would be... intense). runescape is just gay imo... no point really
    #12 Monolith, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  13. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I would much rather play Diablo II as an intro to MMO's then runescape. I remember a long time ago I tried it out. You started in a castle, and I walked outside. I then realized that the game was **** before even playing it so I exited out.

    WoW is way funner and will leave you with a lasting impression, unlike runescape which all you hear is "oh I reached x level."
  14. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I used to play it but I quit becuase I didnt find it fun.
  15. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    meh, played it, and i kinda was on alot or off alot, mainly off. got to lvl 62 and got pissed that people were taking it TO SRSLY. People were buying gold with money ( which i think is against the rules. )and after awhile I just thought it's retarded and started playin' warhammer. quit that too lolz
  16. TheRobTrain

    TheRobTrain Ancient
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    Ahh Runescape. That was back when I first got teh internetz in about 6th grade. Runescape and Adventurequest (check it out) were like porn to me, at first. I played Runescape a lot for a couple years. Then all my friends quit, and I joined a clan hoping to make it more exciting but all they did was argue and accuse eachother of not being able to get girlfriends and all that jazz.

    Now I just check in every once in a while. I believe that I stopped at lvl 72. And I think I am still paying for membership. Wow I should really cancel that.
  17. Villain

    Villain Ancient
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    MMORPGs are fun, but they're what you do when your completely bored. I still have my account [runsecape] and i play it from time to time for such reasons as: beat all my consul games, bored of my consul games, feel like horrasing some one. the down side of all MMORPGs is that you can't play them when the internet is down, which is the only time you have nothing to do. LOL
  18. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    That's why I love Guildwars, you don't have to grind too much, just for money though.
  19. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    I try Runescape for 10 minutes then stop playing it.... forever
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Begging was boring for me too. I just don't like MMORPGs at all.

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