These are two new ones. They're both pretty similar, so I'm not sure which one, if either, I should put in my File Share. Let me know what you think. Smolder Packin' Heat
I like Smolder.I like how it takes up a lot of the picture.It has a great effect,lighting and angle,which the second one doesn't have.I like this one.Try t make the second one more condense and alive.I think the first one me over for its lighting.I give out ratings in letters.This gets a B+ overall.Good job Leeumm.
Try to give a little reasoning behind which you feel is better guys, it would help him make a better choice. Honestly, I like smolder because of how white the left hand side is, then the spartan has the picture transition to orange. Flame pics are done quite a bit, but the top one doesn't necessarily look like a flame pic.
Packin' Heat has a more natural, chaotic feel to it, where as Smolder seems too still for the message it looks like it is trying to pass along.
well, I think smolder looks way better. the contrast seems better, only the top right part could be a little bit brighter. packin heat turned out almost perfect, but the bottom left corner ruins it. You can easily see the wall behind the guy right there, and the shading on the body part of the armor... does not really look nice. still both great shots though.