ArtifacT Made by Cydronix Hey, Sorry I haven't posted in a while, got back-tracked with lots of mlg work. But I have had time to make a few new maps, this is my newest. It could be MLG, it is set up for MLG, but It really has more of a Competitive feel to it. Moderators, please move this post if you fell it is more MLG.] Custom powerup spawns 2 minutes into a match. I made man-cannon lifts on each side that work correctly 90% of the time, they mirror the mancannon lifts on Narrows. Time to complete: 5 hours MLG Setup: Yes Author: Cydronix Download link Provided at bottom of Post Weapons: Battle Rifle x7 Sniper Rifle x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenades x6 Trophy Shot Full Map View Rock Spawn Blue Base Red Base Base Jump Custom Powerup Spawn Another view of the Mancannon Mancannon Lifts Recommended for MLG Narrows CTF CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MLG ARTIFACT Special Thanks to: Why Not 117 Blakbastud9 V2 COMING SOON!
Cool map dewd! This really looks unique from what i've seen in other maps. By the side overview look, it reminds me of narrows. Could you maybe add an overview picture of a different angle so i can get a better idea of what your map is like. Great job, 4.7/5
lol, yea but what i really wanted was another OVERVIEW picture of the map (besides a side view) if not that's ok too, but i would appreciate it!
Cydronix, you spelled the Artifact wrong at the very top of the post. XD But anyway, the first map you posted in a while is very good compared to your maps on Foundry. I really like the layout of the map, mainly due to its relation to Narrows. The center structure really looks great, almost like a pyramid only made out of a few giant blocks instead of a lot of little ones. XP What really makes this unique though is the mancannons that launch you across each side. I can't say it's original because it's on Narrows to start with, but it's the first one I've seen that takes you across the Skybubble. Great job.
Very Fluid design download it when i get Mythic map of the best sandbox sky bubble maps out there yet........The snipers seem to much for whoever are trying to get across maybe put it away from man cannons. 4.9/5 ( snipers )
Very cool map, but some of the pieces have gaps in between them and some pieces are a bit crooked, but overall ots a great map. 4.5/5
I havent played this map but I think you should test it and comeup with your own Gametype. Maybe it works better by having to wait 15 sec to get the flag back, or maybe you return it right away. Looks great but try to comeup with a origanal gametype. If you can't then Narrows CTF will probably work fine.
Yeah, I was thinking about that for when I v2 it, It works great with a faster CTF respawn due to the map size and it is set up mirroring Narrows. On the v2 I will probably make walls under the pyramid and it would add a 4th way to get the flag across the map. Thanks for the idea though.