Lets face it there was some very important ages, but the most interesting in my most opinion is the Medieval and Western ages. Which is more exciting to learn about in your opinion? Which do you find more interesting? Which would you rather of lived in? Medieval= was the time of war, the age of battle, very religious, villages suffered and kings roamed in wealth, its was hard living, and only war, religion, and a little of education was involved. Western= Shootings, horse rides, Miles of deserts, and a time of quick battles, either you worked hard or you died, towns became civilized and the age was ruf. As you can experience both civilizations were intense, and more hard working than ever, but which one would be easier to live in? How could you have survied? Which to you fantasize for about? Debate!!!
actually in the west your thinking of cowboys were just people that herded cows together not alot of shooting really
no out side of towns there was cow heards and real hard working in towns there was business and salloons and a lot of drama also the men who would carry money from place to place for trade outs would usually get shot down from outsiders.
i know, but ive study this stuff a lot, and more than half of it was in social studies we did lots of documents and watched a lot of dicovery channel lol
I would have to say Medieval, I have always preferred swords, shields, and other medieval weapons over Western weapons with guns and things, and I was always more into learning about older more things with sword, kings, and bloody battles and things.
Probably the guns, and he must be thinking of sorts of things like he possibly sees in shows and movie with shootouts, and things, but I still prefer a sword battle any day.
i would have to say midevil because with there hooza! and their sheilds, swords, bow-n-arrows, flails, mace (not the spray kind) and because of their accent make-ith me a sandwich wench or thee thy and art though take-ith to me? overall medevil because of its violence.
I agree with Zanitor, swords and shields etc, or more win than guns. I hate it in my history class, we have to learn about things like China in the early 1900s and even worse, the Suffragettes.