Map Title: No Lasers! "It`s true! Sandbox with no guardian lasers! Blank map with only 70 dollars and 13 double walls used! Map created by Hoya17 and OptimusPrime er" A map to forge on, no gametype or anything. This is my first map and yea here it is... Download Map
Good idea but use something else other than the commonly used double wall. Not much to comment about a canvas but that doesn't mean it's bad
A tutorial for blocking the lasers? Sure 1. Make instantly respawning trip mines. 2. Throw them all into a pile over and over untill they expload. The lasers should now be overloaded and not shoot at you. 3. Go as far out as you can and hold a teliporter outside of the wall. 4. Save and end the game. Then start it back up. 5. Create a sender node and go throught it. (if lasers start shooting at you, you will have to overload the map again. when you have go though and create a new reciever node near the top of one of the towers, the laser cant reach up there.) (If you instantly die choose a new place to put the teliporter) 6. Go to where the lights are and place a double wall. 7. Save and quit and restart. 8. Continue doing this for all towers. Two of the towers you will have to place the walls from further back or your orb blows up. :$ Hope you can understand that lol I just might go back and make it again with somthing not used as much thanks.
This has already been done several times and I'm afraid that yours has some distinct disadvantages. You see, you deleted the rest of the objects I believe. Therefore, your object item limit decreases. It is more practical to move the items that are already on out of the way, and then you budget glitch the map. Also, double walls are bad laser blockers because they are very commonly used, so you have less to put on your map. That is why tube pieces are better.
also you could just hold a tube in you and place it where you are, plz everyone stop making these maps (plz do not say it is spam because it is not)
yeah, it's already been said i know, but double walls are like the most widely used item, i wont DL it because i already have a canvas like this, i think the guy used Y-intersections or something.
Nice map! I needed this to make a map with my friend. The problem with all the other maps is that they all are budget glitched so I can't use them. Everytime I delete something I can't use any more of that object again. This is a great clean canvas. I do wish you used something other than double walls. But great map! Besides I don't want a bucnch of the original items in a pile somewhere, which is why I chose yours over the budget glitches ones.
Lmao, wow you can't even use a budget glitched map? Your not suppose to delete them genius, your suppose to move them, and it only says you can't place anymore of the object when you delete the original or the last one.
Yea this has been done before and it's no secret, all you need is a teleporter and you can block them.