Well a lot of the time when i use any type of merging it goes wrong, even when i use all the appropriate methods it still goes wrong. I have looked at forge 101 but it still happens can someone help :cry:
What type of problems are you encountering and what map(s) are the problems occuring on? Please elaborate - I'd be able to give you more of a consise answer then ;P
practice and strap whatever your merging down with teleporters, usually takes me 2-5 times to get it perfect myself.
Most importantly: take your time setting up your braces. They should all be flat against what you want to geomerge. Actually, take your time with everything. If your doing the door method, use at least 2 doors. Also, a good technique is to press A on the object your geomerging, DONT MOVE, and quickly go to save and quit, and repeat as necessary.
Insane speaks only but the truth. Seriously. With that method you will get it right most of the time. But it's confusing so watch out!