Well theres alot of mini game maps in the mini game map thread, but not many of them really seem 'mini' to me. You know, using every single possible object or making it overly complicated'n such. So, here is Simon Says. It's a fun game, but you must treat it with respect or it will treat you badly. So if you want to respect it, play it with a good group of your buds and the game will love you and in exchange, grant you fun. But if you play it with a not so much good group of buds, the game will be angered and never give you fun until you play with a good group of friends. You don't know how to play? I'm sorry. If you want to learn go back to preschool and they will teach you the ways of Simon, because the game plays exactly as it sounds. Except if the simonees(?) dont do what simon says... they either get a bullet in the head, or explosives ON their head. For that one comment that would say, "pics or gtfo" you get AN pic. ~~Portant~~ Make sure your party is closed or on invite only, or your xbox will lolblow up Yor liks sr Map = http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53328972 Gametype = http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53322706 ~Plays best with 4-7 players 'Sigh' I guess I could give you a few commands for Simon.Simon says "Look to your right." (You look to your right) Simon says "Look up" (you look up at explosives that will soon fall on you) Simon says "Pull out your magnum" (PRESS Y) "Look down" (Don't look down) Simon says "Look down" (kkitssafelookdown) Simon says "Have a rave" (Pull out your plasma pistol, charge, and dance) Dance (I cant give you all the answers now)Get creative I suppose if you get creative (or evil) you could do trivia. (Example) Simon Says "WHAT COLOR IS MY SHIRT!1!!!" oooo credits Flowers and x0 pie x0 big thanks to bloodfire for helpin out forgingbtw first map posted on forgehub so go easy if i screwed up (I almost forgot to link map XD)
Flowers! I had a great time making this with you Remember all the fun we had on this, like after we finished building it. I'm glad you posted this. Its a lot of fun. to start I advise all of you download this map, I'd bet you 1000$ that you would love this, it's a lot of fun. Its one of those games you'll be playing for hours on end. Its a lot of fun to mess around with your friends on.
Flowers, Love your map, love playing your map, especially with a great group of friends. Having played it many a time I can say it is a lot of fun. Most of the GB Community loves this game, great job Flowers. To everyone out there: You will have fun playing this game. Guaranteed.
Well, it looks fun. How many players is the max?(PM Me)Anyway, I hope to have fun in this game and since there are already 2 ppl who have given very good feedback, I will also give it a try. Btw, nice idea!5/5
Wow. Me and some friends used to play this on a cops and robbers map all the time. Simon says "Get into the last cell!" Then the cop would make us do stuff. Disturbing stuff.
I'll download it just because this looks like a fun way to kill time with friends. Iwas gonna make a honor rule comment, but there really is no way to make this without it once I realized what the game was. I'm still afraid there will be someone that just drops the explosives on you anyway but i doubt anyone that will be playing this game will get that competitive
I just played it today it was kind of fun, it took me a while to relize you had to shoot the pallets instead of the person >_< lol Nice map, maybe you could add more quotes we can say during the game.
Just say what ever comes to mind when your Simon. A hint would be like "shoot three times" "dont reload".
I love this especially when i would tell everyone to do some long combo of things without simon says and they'd do it and i'd wait til they were done and would so the pallet
Oh, I never noticed you posted this. I thought we were just testing a while ago. Lots of fun, though I think it would be better if you made more cells on the opposite side. Place starting points in the first 7 or so, then put respawn points on the other side. Respawn points will take the place of a starting point if there are no starting points left, so only if there are 8 people or more will they spawn there. Anyway, brilliant map, n33dz m0ar intearl0ck1ng, 5/5.
um...its fun and all but what do you mean: ~~Portant~~ Make sure your party is closed or on invite only, or your xbox will lolblow up
The idea sounds lots of fun! I allways liked cops and robber based gametypes. I hope it works out well. I'll check it out EDIT: links broken?
YAY!! finaly my favorite game to play on cops and robbers is real! Am I dreaming... No because if I was the links wouldn't be down. Looks cool anyway 4/5
I remember playing this with you and pie, was a load of fun. Forging was outstanding, the idea was very well done, and very creative way of killing the people with listening problems. I'm going to download it and right away feature it in Grifball's Custom Game Night.
This game reminds me of Cops & Robbers. This is like the stuff you do when you and your friends are bored and tired of matchmaking. Looks pretty fun. (p.s. I like your commands... very original) [strike]4/5.[/strike] 5/5