Every summer, my family drives to some beach on the east coast (either the Outer Banx, Myrtle Beach, or Virginia Beach). So, I like to get up early and watch the sunrise with the dolphins in the water, it's just such a beautiful sight. Sitting there with a hot cup of earl grey is just so pleasant. I also love the day after a freezing rain-to-snow storm. All the fluffy white snow and the ice encrusted trees, although that only happens every few years. 2 years ago it was on my birthday, and it was wonderful!
Being up in the mountains is best for me. When my family takes their annual trip to Yosimite i'm in heaven for a week. I like the air quality, the water, and the general scenery better. Sitting on high up on a mountain while drawing and listining to music is also very sureal. I also like the black hills, the scenery there is beyond believable, there are no insects in the summer, and the people are super friendly.
I hear ya cakeChart, freezing rain then a snow storm is such a win. At my old house, my brothers and I would slide down our huge slanted driveway, then at my other old house, me and my friends would slide down my huge hill. Didn't need a sled or anything, just shoes and you're good. haha
In the mornings, there is light, but sun is still not quite up, and its like the entire world is in this blue color, and your sitting on the beach bare footed, looking at the water, with your ipod playing some good songs. Gets me everytime.