The Last Stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Guardion07, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    The Last Stand
    Created by Guardion07

    Supported Gametypes
    Custom Infection Variant

    Map Description
    Well one day I was playing the flash game, the last stand, and it gave me a great idea! Why not make a map based off of that? Of course I started to build on foundry when I realized I had a perfectly good map already laid out for me, The Pit. Although this map lacks certain items, it still is enjoyable to play and is always fast paced. Now for some pictures of the map. This map is realistic, so NO weapons or equipment respawn whatsoever. So you need to keep your wits about saving ammo (if it goes that far lol). In total there are 5 AR's, 4 BR's, 4 spikers, 4 smg's, 4 mags, 2 maulers, 2 snipers, 2 maulers, 2 sentinal beams, 2 brute shots, 2 plasma rifles, 2 rocket launchers. 1 flamethrower, 1 beam rifle. For equipment there is 2 trip mines, 2 flares, and 2 deployable covers. Oh yeah, last human does not have a marker above his head, so the zombies can not just overwhelm him ASAP, they have some work to do. Humans die in 3 hits and they do not recharge shields. I have tested this with my friends and they do enjoy this game, so don't judje it withought looking at it.

    Most infection game variants are shot down in flames for one reason only, being a zombie is horrible. I am here to tell you that this map changed that concept. Zombies are actually meant to ambush the humans, not simply run after them. More precise planning needs to take place and zombies have an advantage, they have 10 meter radar. This allows for more precise attacks by zombies and resulting in more chaos. I am doubting you will kill a person in one life, but at least your not a fat kid moving an inch a minute or you die in one hit.

    Whats the best part about the map you say? I say it has to be the weapon placement. Most of the weapons are hidden from visible site. Some are questionably easy to spot, others are having to take a trip to forge to look for them. Now the explosive weapons are very dangerous for humans, for they can harm themselves in the process of shooting. The hardest weapon to find is the rocket launcher, you will never guess will it is... Well here is a spoiler for the weapon areas. ALL weapons are symetrical with eachother.

    Weapon/ Equipment Locations
    Rocket Launcher---Go to the sniper tower bridge. Jump towards the crack towards the sword room and hold Right Bumper.
    AR's---Underneath sniper towers behind scenery, in starting room crack in wall.
    Maulers---Behind lockers on top of sniper tower
    Sniper Rifle---Hidden underneath the mess of pallets
    Beam Rifle---In between the tiny crack of the mess area
    Flamthrower---In the mess area
    Plasma Rifle---Right outside shotgun room, on top of the yellow ledge, also where deployable cover is hidden.
    BR's---In machine gun turret room behind scenery. Also above the room behind a pallet holded up by barrels
    Brute Shot---In a little crack in smg/ magnum room. Jump on top of barrier, look up, and jump.
    SMG's---Go out the main entrance of the sword room and go left or right and they are behind some scenery.
    Flare---In the Smg/ magnum room in corner of map, hidden behind pallet.
    Sentinal Beam---Hidden behind the big generator near smg/ magnum room.

    (Only listing things that are different than default)

    Human Traits
    Starting Weapon---Magnum
    Damage Resistance---300%
    Shield Recharge Rate---0%
    Radar---10 Meters

    Alpha/ Zombie Traits
    Damage Resistance---110%/ 100%
    Starting Weapon---Sword
    Speed---110%/ 100%
    Gravity----75%/ 75%
    Radar---10 Met/ 10 Met
    Shield Recharge Rate---90%/ 90%

    This is the starting room. There are 2 mags and 2 assault rifles here.


    The Downstairs of the beginning room, there is only 1 AR here.


    The side area shows the Machine gun turret, two spikers, a hidden BR, and a trip mine.


    The "Trash Area" is home to the mongoose, beam rifle, and flamthrower. The weapons are hidden in there.


    Two shotguns are dead center of the map and offer dangerous cover for all zombies.


    Not much to see here, but just a side picture of outside the beginning area.


    Now I am guessing you are wanting the game now aren't you? Well here is how the title would look if you were playing custom games (game variant first then map)

    Humans on The Last Stand
    #1 Guardion07, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  2. fallout films458

    Senior Member

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    nice map you really did good on makeing it on the pit.i played it with my freinds one day they liked it alot
  3. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    I am sorry for not posting better or more screenshots, but some of them were randomly getting deleted. Don't know what happened there... but yes, this map did not take as long to make as other maps, because interlocking and geo-merging were not necessary.

    Updated---Now showing weapon location guide.
    #3 Guardion07, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  4. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    This is actually pretty cool despite the fact that this is a pre-dlc map. It has a great layout with the barriers especially in the bases and the invis spawn area. Plus I LOVE infection so I'll be sure to dl this when I get the chance.
    I actually am making a map on the pit but not quite done yet. Great job I'll see if I can download this later.
    For now I rate this 5/5 til I download this later and play a game on it. Good job
    #4 xPsychZerox, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  5. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    i've seen a lot of maps like this one but i got to say this is the best one i have ever seen i will try this map out. This map has a lot of cool looking base type area i like the sword room the best though.

    i like the map it's a powerfully fun map i geuss its so fun because its on a map that is'nt used that much.
    #5 redeyesmaster, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  6. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Yea it is very unuasual to see a map on the pit, I love to see maps on levels that have such little potential. Great map man, i am going to go download right now
  7. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    woow this is pretty cool even though its on THE PIT nice job
  8. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    hey, nice to see you posted it. i thought i was a good idea but I was really busy to help. anyways, it plays real good and smooth, couple of problems but hey, for a pre-DLC map it's pretty sexy.
  9. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Doesnt look bad ill try it out
  10. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    Hmmmm I really like this varaint so just to let you all know, me and raidin raider are making one of blackout! Here is a teaser for you, the beginning area is EXACTLY like the last stand flash game. You have a barrier between you and a zombie, but of course, you have to look for weapons then come back.

    The actual way to play this game is to get weapons and run like no other back to the base and defend. This offers humans the best, and longest chance of survival.

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