I have a fun map that realates to the battle of Mt. Surabachi on Iwo Jima Click here for the the link http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18488346 also click here for the game type http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18488371 Now this map is for this gametype so when you play be sure to get that now this map holds one MT. Surabachi which is Japanese held and the ground floor held by the americans and the MT. has 4 turrets and 2 sniper rifles spawn in the center of the MT. (In the picture with the grav-lift) Also a shot gun spawns in the box on the box on the East side( Nort being the place with the hallway) and to flush out the turret bunkers use 2 frag greaenades.Reccomended game play: Travel in groups take out snipers first then (In a group) go to the MT. and take out the Japaneese! This map is under the property of Apple12521 and he is accountable for it so do not steal it! Pics here :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle:
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype how do you get up to the top and please do not double post it is illegally here on forgehub ty
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype Will do on the double posting and there is a man-cannon on the other side I will get that picture on friday(not allowed to play on the week)
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype Apple, you double posted and advertised in the shoutbox, then you claim rights to any map that has to do with Mt. Suribachi. The map doesn't seem fair, because people can hide in the Japanese base, and they can't be gotten at. The map doesn't look anything like Mt. Suribachi. Im working on a mt Suribachi map that looks nothing like yours, so when I publish it, do not claim that I stole your idea.
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype Will do and people can flush out those bunkers with frags set in front of each turret and this was just about the best I could get with the limeted space of foundry. (alert me when you finish yours)
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype I still think that the map is still a little unbalanced because once the Japanese are winning it will be hard to get them with drags of they are just staying in the middle of the base. And I will alert you when I finish my map, I tried to submit it for the shell shocked contest but I kept losing tons of work when I started a new round and it said gameover, so I missed the deadline.
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype What do you think I should do because origanlly I had where you could only go to those turrets by spawning there but then I found out it looks like a Tunnel network(which they really had and was quite anoying) P.S. You can get up onto the base to kill the japenese there is a Man-cannon on the side I forgot to take a picture of. =(
Re: MT.Surabachi With Gametype Ifor got to tell you, take the part that says with gametype out of the title, it should just bethe map title.
Re: MT.Surabachi While your map looks well constructed your description is quite vague I have no idea where any of the wepons spawn or anything of the sort id improve on that front in your next maps I wish you the best luck with all your future maps.
Re: MT.Surabachi this map seems like it could use more of something but i dont know what? confused face
Re: MT.Surabachi What do you mean by that? :squirrel_sad: :squirrel_sad: :squirrel_sad: :squirrel_sad:
Re: MT.Surabachi It means that you should make it look nicer with little touches, like fillin in the spaces between the stair cases with interlocked double walls
Ohh ok (Operation Market Garden is almost complete whats your GT I need testers) Never mind im an idiot for not seeing that.
No you get up by a man-cannon on a side I forgot to take a picture of so if by gavlift=man-cannon=yes.