Omg...I feel so nooby, i forgot to post link. D: Map: Halo 3 File Details Gmaetype: Halo 3 File Details Thanks for downloading!!! (if you did!!!)
Cool Looks kinda sloppy but i like the wood....Wood looks like sloppily placed but it looks sweet that way
Ya, on the outside of the zombie spawn, i meant to make it look a bit sloppy, I think its kinda like a battle field.
Nice infection map, however it seems rather cluttered and like you said sloppy. As long as a map plays well it has every right to look sloppy. But in future don't double post, edit your own post.
Well, while it does look sloppy, that sloppiness seems to add to the aesthetics of this as a zombie map. It's decent overall. Not very special, but it works.
Wouldn't be my first choice in playing a map. Good idea, but it's been overused. The zombie comes in, the humans just camp and the game goes on forever. It looks a bit sloppy too, but as said above that might look cool. As long as it's wood that's sloppy and not the actual walls and stuff.
it looks kinda sloppy, but you could have meant it to be like that. You say the zombie is slow so that the players have time to stock up, but if the zombie is too slow, there could be problems. I'd reccomend having some kind of system that releases the zombie after so many seconds like a grav-lift spawing in the enclosure that he starts in or something.
yup._.wok ya what he said...if the zombie was slow then it would ruin the whole game especially on a wide open map..instead, use the advanced respwn settings.and change the player respawn speed, or use a blocked teleporte r.. the map is pretty sloppy and i think that you are just using the sloppy for gameplay excuse as a way of not working so hard,****! i also think that this map is not the best you can make, please put in more effort, cuz this map llooks like something i can make in like 30 minutes,,,is there any interlocking?
All the merging and interlocking is used on the human area...This is my first version and i just wanted some suggestions of what to change. So i will start on a V2 of it soon...And making it sloppy was not an excuse, I actually did realize before a posted it that there where some places that could have been fixed...But i will do it in V2!!!