My friend reccomended this to me so here goes... How To Kill Your Brand Thanks you Sarcastic Gamer
That is older than time itself... No but seriously I heard it, maybe a year and a half ago, probably longer. I much prefer the Fray's original version.
That is really old. I didn't even watch it, but: "You say Halo 3 don't worry you. Instead you offer Killzone 2... ...But killzone 1 sucked before, so what made you think we wanted more!" lol
I reckon whoever made the song probably hasn't even played a PS3. For a start what's wrong with PS3 Network, I played CoD4 on it for ages and its literally identical to playing CoD5 online on my 360. Also how can you claim that Killzone 1 sucked, for its time Killzone was awesome, one of the greatest shooters I ever played. Also most of the few PS3 exclusives are immense: LBP, Metal Gear Solid, etc. I've heard the song loads before and I really think its stupid, it really annoys me when people just take digs at the PS3.
Video Game Podcasts, News, Community Blogs and more! Thats who made it, The original Goldeneye is better than killzone 1 Get out of here fanboy.