(FOR DETAILS GO DOWN) the game is an invasion, the map is a true fortress, nearly impenatrable only one way in but tons of defense points really a fun game, its assualt with 2 plant points, there is no time limit as the attakers will win eventually, defenders cant win, but the fight is a blast
Hey dude. It sounds interesting except for the fact you dont say anything about it. Check this page and follow the guidelines to make your map look really good! Here it is. Trust me, you should have a look. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1471.0
Sounds like a cool idea (Double Post?) Oh yeah and... This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
here some info, for starters get my gametype Invasion 1. the attackers start on the high ground beach with only pistols but there is a weapons cache so they can pick based on their skill. along with some vehicles including a tank 2. the defenders get an impentrable wall, 4 turrents and some heavy weapons 3. in front of the wall is a one way teleporter whcih is guarded by the four turrnets, if the attackers get in they apper on a tower in the base behing the wall and get a flamethrower this route make bomb plants easy if the other team doesnt defend. 4. there are two plant points, one at the missle launchers and one under the flamethrower tower 5.no time limit, the attackers always will win if u have even teams, this game is about fun thats all, screenshots will come and soon i will have a second fortress map with similar gameplay features