Ancient Narrows! Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Game types: Slayer, TS, CTF, Oddball, Swat, plus many other custom Game Types. Map Description: Well it originally was meant to be a replicate of Halo's "Narrows". After getting started I realized, there was no way I would be able to recreate it due to the 3 Limits restricting us from overloading the map. So I went custom with it. I uploaded the first version of it to Bungie, then decided to change a few things..below is a list of all weapons & equipment placed. The map took a guesstimate of about 40-50 hours, yes I know...get a life right? haha! Other then that Enjoy!! P.s. If you like my map please be a community hero and don't forget to rate and maybe leave a comment on its page via Thanks for any and all support!! Weapons Utilized: Battle Rifle x 8 (multiple locations) Covenant Carbine x 6 (multiple locations) Shotgun x 2 (one on each side of the bridge) Sniper Rifle x 2 (one at the very back of each base) Beam Rifle x 2 (one on each side of lower walkway) Machine Gun Turrets x 2 (one on top of each base) Rocket Launcher (center of map lower walkway) *Note: as you can see not a lot of weapons were added, wanted this to be more of a competitive map. Equipment Utilized: Plasma Grenande x 2 (center of bridge) Bubble Shield (centered on the lower walkway) Power Drain (middle area of bridge) Regenerator (center of bridge) Radar Jammer (middle area of bridge) Overshield (middle area of bridge) Active Camo (middle area of bridge) *Note: It may seem like alot these are on the center of the bridge, but trust me they are strategically placed. IMO Screen shots: view from a distance a little closer one side of bridge other side of bridge from above below crossing the bridge to blue base still on my way arrived yes, wheres that flag blue team??!? unfortunately blue team got the best of me, now lets follow them back to the red base OMG no no they are getting closer, all my teammates are idle...argh! Well its over unless I get a good spawn. here goes! VICTORY!! Credits: Hope everyone enjoys the map, Thanks for taking the time to check it out and the first version. As it has a different layout, see which one you like better..hope this is sufficient enough info to encourage you to d/l the map and round up some friends and play some CTF or SWAT!(recommended gametypes btw) Special thanks to my friends who helped me test out the game play, much appreciated! Download Ancient Narrows!
The whole slideshow thing was very annoying, and I suggest fixing it and putting your pics up traditionally. But after haveing to watch the superslow slideshow, I see that your map is pretty good. I like your idea of taking narrows and putting your own spin to it. The fact that you have arched your map made it look so much better than the most of the sky bubble maps, which are all flat. I really like the idea (as said before) and I like the overall production of your map. Bookmarked for April 9th.
i will fix the pics bro, Im a huge fan of Sublime myself! Thanks for the quick and courteous reply. After I clean my friends list out a bit imma hit you up with a FR.
OMG the slide show was so slow it made me want to punch a baby however thats a great idea for a map i dint get to see if there was a man canon across the map, is there one?
pics are now up, as for the man cannons there are two on top of each base. they won't reach from base to base though unfortunately. They launch you almost onto the center of the bridge.
Off Topic: Just because you spent 40-50 hours on it doesn't mean you don't have a life. Some simple forged maps take literally up to 800 hours, although that is a little extreme. For the average good map, I'd say about 100-200 hours are spent, so don't feel bad for spending that much time on it. Looks good though.
Your forging is really smooth. I dont like the map narrows but this will give new light to it. You have an excellent concept and the quality of the map is great.
Thanks for the spirt booster meant it more as a joke then anything...since some those harsh words seems to be others reply when they hear how long i spend making maps. (I think they might just be hating on my skills ) hahah jk! Thanks again for the postive feedback.
looks like a prtty solid map, but I don'tthink that I would ever take that bottom path. It has no benefits and it's too vurnable from the platform I see right above it
if you want rockets your going to be forced to take a trip down under their is advantages to the lower walkway in CTF...but shhh I didn't tell you that! hahah
This looks pretty cool! I played it and I liked it. For some reason no matter what I do I can't get to the ball in oddball when it first spawns. You gave me inspiration on a map I'm going to map and I thank you for that.
Glad I could be somewhat of an inspiration. I agree with you anthony, it looked nice IMO but it did make it a little difficult to see. I'm adding some action screen shots. this is me running over to get clear out the red base...but on my way over I spot two of them camping the entrance to the top. INCOMING! Mayday Mayday..... I'll tell your wife and kids you love em! Fighting a turret that close? why lol This guy didn't like sharing his favorite tanning spot I guess Access denied! and finally..... When break dancin battles go wrong. Have fun, and please show some support fellow forgers. Thanks!
nice shots. i dont get it though. why doesnt anyone seem interested in looking at my map?? i think ive only had one person other than you say anything to me about it lol
Just downloaded and checked out the map. Great job with putting it together. Didn't see a reason why anyone would do a remake on a map from halo 3- but I like the subtle changes you made. My only gripe is the same problem I ran into on a map- too easy to fall off. Sucks to be strafing shooting a Br and suddenly you are falling to your death. Tough to balance that and still make it like you did. Very solid forging too.
encounter nobody takes 800 hours to make a map ,lol lol lol lol lol if u worked 5 hours a day it would take almost a half a year...c'mon wow..idiot by the way i cant wait to play on this map it looks great
Thank you everyone for the great feedback. If you download the map, please rate it on the bungie site. I think it might help when it shows up in recent uploads.