Writing a map review

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fabioisonfire, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    Writing a map review

    Over my (short) ForgeHub lifespan, I've noticed a lot of users posting reviews that look a little something like this:

    In my humble opinion, these aren't 'reviews'. They're the first thing that comes into your head after looking at a few screenshots. Not to be a hypocrite, because I think I've done this in the past.

    When you spend countless hours on a map, only to be greeted by four to five word responses, it can be a bit disheartening. You've spent hours on a map, shouldn't the community take the time to download and play it before giving a review? It only seems fair.

    Which is why I'm pleading to the immediate community to take a few things into consideration before giving a map a review.

    If you answer 'YES' to any of these questions, do not post the review.

    • Am I posting just to increase my post count?
    • Is my review under ten words?
    • Am I making assumptions based off of screenshots?
    • Am I posting a mean-spirited review?

    If you answer 'NO' to any of these questions, do not post the review.

    • Have I downloaded the map in question?
    • Have I played the map at least once?
    • Would I want my maps reviewed this way?

    What I'm trying to promote here is a bit more effort on the reviewers part. Your fellow Forgers appreciate a well-constructed and thought out review. It's called constructive criticism, and it's what makes people better. Telling someone 'its ok' doesn't help them in any way, shape, or form.

    Here's a side-by-side look at a good review, and a bad one.


    • Poor grammar
    • User made an unfair assumption based off of a screenshot
    • Sparsely written
    • Nothing constructive
    • User did not download nor play the map

    And here's a good review:


    • Good grammar
    • Extensive review
    • Constrcutive criticsm (nothing too harsh)
    • No 'rating' given- just opinions
    • User downloaded and played the map in question

    Writing a good review grants you respect from the map maker, and almost forces them to take you seriously. It improves both the quality of maps and your reputation as a member. I hope this shed some light on this persistant problem that I see day to day here at this great forum. Thanks for reading.
    #1 fabioisonfire, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I'd probably push also that reviews almost always are a bad idea, unless the guy has specifically asked for a number review, and that being helpful and constructive for a few posts gets you a whole lot farther than tons of posts with 'Looks good 4/5', and also that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. If your post isn't nice to the other member and doesn't follow the above, don't post it. It's just hurting yourself.

    Maybe more examples, too.
    #2 Insane54, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  3. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    Thanks for the input. I actually wrote this after comparing your reviews with the majority.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Although I wish that everybody followed these simple, easy directions. It is almost impossible to get people to follow them.. So many times have I seen "Great map! 4/5!" well.. not even that good! No capitilization or nothin'! Sometimes they even spell the word "Great" wrong!

    I really wish the newcomers would stop thinking that post count is everything, and that the only way to get noticed on this site was to improve your post count. But they just don't!

    I kinda hope some of those newcomers take notice of this post and read it. Maybe they might learn something. Perhaps my next map won't have so much crap posted on it. It seems that people who post all these terrible reviews are actually damaging their own reputation, eh?

    Almost seems as if the thread would have been better off without them posting..

    EDIT: Possible to go looking around at some map threads and using those posts as examples?

    Things like this? Won't say who it's from, but I thought there was a rule against posting in a mythic map thread if you didn't have the maps.

    #4 Conkerkid11, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  5. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I'm thinkin most or all of my map reviews will be like this:

  6. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    I think that most of this post is really good, and will hopefully stop some of the reviews like you mentioned earlier.

    The only thing is that I disagree with the point about it being good to not include a 'rating', personally I quite like it when people give a rating for my maps as it makes me get a better idea of how good the map is and also it makes me try to push my self in order to get a better rating.
  7. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Excellent post dude! I couldn't agree more. So many reviews on here seem completely based off of a few screenshots. I probably spent over 40 hours on my most recent map- so I feel you on the "assumption" statement completely.

    Just as bad as uneducated or bad reviews, are someone RATING your map without mention or reason as to WHY?

    It's downright aggravating to bust your ass on a map only to have someone quickly rate it without saying a word based off of those same screenshots.

    I hope this thread changes at least a few habits around here.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    The problem with ratings is that a. your (usually) not a review team, don't try to be one, b. it's totally demeaning to say "Looks like you put in 40 hours of work, 4/5 because I dont like this picture", c. ratings just aren't a good idea unless you have to classify them in a list. I can see rating maps to make a list, no problem (IE. Review Hub, Lazy Mapmakers Contest), but it's just totally obnoxious to post a ranking on a map otherwise IMO.
  9. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    good idea but dont waste your time the community people who actually post bad will never read this they dont even care they just post to raise there post count. I think bad posts that has no meaning should be an infaction, but most mods dont view many map, so they dont see it and the community doest think twice to report it to a mod.

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