name top five maps in order more favorit to least . like this elongation beaver creek chill out damnation midship
Lockout Ascension Turf Hang 'Em High Construct If it was for a certain gametype, I would put Team Snipers or Shotty Snipes Valhalla above all and next best, BR start on Midship.
I can see how you can put Zanzibar on there (even though I don't think it is top 5), but they completely butchered the remake IMO. It has absolutely no cover, so unless you are in the main base or the two sniper bases, you are screwed. The spawns are also horrible because of the limited cover. It is fun for snipers though.
i agree but with that. but i like midship for all the cover it gives you something halo 3 cant do right.
only played halo 3 but it has to be... Guardian (team doubles) Last resort (team slayer) The Pit (team snipers) Isolation (swords ---- fails with everything else) Sandtrap (BTB)
What are your favorite Halo maps?****.jpg _________________________________________________ I like nearly all of the Halo maps.
Death Island (Halo 1: PC) Sidewinder (Halo 1) BloodGulch (Halo 1) Timberland (Halo 1: PC) Headlong (Halo 2)
Lockout Ascension Coagulation Foundary Foundation If there were six, maybe Santuary, that was a good map.
if you want go to all your'er faviorte maps my are. colossus sidewinder midship chill out damnation turf battle creek chiron TL-34 gemini lockout sorry halo 3 your'er maps so far suck or just not that good.
Mars Needs Women Waldo's World 16th Parallel... oh what Halo Maps.I would love it if Bungie remakes these marathon maps tho. Halo:CE -Damnation -Hang 'Em High -Boarding Action -Longest -Prisoner Halo 2 -Relic -Headlong -Turf -Sanctuary -Backwash Halo 3 -Standoff -Narrows -The Pit -Valhalla -Epitaph
well, i havent played the previous versions, so mine will be all halo 3 maps: -Sandtrap -Foundry -Standoff -Rat's nest -Last Resort?!?!