Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra Description: Well this is a map that i made that has one of the hugest man cannon hills. This map is one huge right turn that continues to a short left bank turn and takes skill to drive. It is very fast to drive on if driven right. The whole map is blocked off and has an uncheatable destination. Please reply about the map and give some constructive criticism. Enjoy!!! Pics: Start Huge hill after Start Turn After Hill Straightaway Wall ride Double Wall bank turn Destination Well That's It. Hope You Like the Map!!!! Download Map Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype Halo 3 File Details
wow first post.. i love the variety of objects that you used, and the area of foundry,, it actually reminds me of quasar.. nothing bad to say about the map but the layout isnt very original, and foundry maps like this are getting pretty old
God I love your Spectac series. All the tracks are incredibly awesome and this is no exception. Everything looks so smooth and racing looks very fast. I'll definitely DL this.
WOW! Very fun. Smooth interlocking and fun gameplay. Best of the series. The beggining bridges are the same as spetac swirl. Overall no improvements needed. 5/5
Well i downloaded it, but haven't played it yet. I hope it is good because i rarely download Race Maps, but i am sure from the description and pics so just wanted to say good job on the map.
i've seen a few of the spectac maps and i have to say... this one does not disappoint. Looks clean, smooth racing, and all over fun awsome map.
its more like red giant then quasar, this map and red giant are the same in so many ways but another good map from you but i got to say its not as fun as elvove