Very cool map. I love the name too. It is late right now but tomorrow I will do a Forge Through and see what this map is all about.
I played this with you again last night. The first game was One Flag, which worked great even though we seemed to have to many people. The next game was Juggernaut, which was okay. Then we played One Bomb, which wasn't fun at all due to the problems I dissscussed eariier. The attacker's would always just rush into the base, plant the bomb, and win at the beginning before the defenders setup a good defense, or wait, then never make it in. Maybe move the plant point a little, there's that one entrance to the side of it with cover from the front. If you put it just barely in there, it'd be hard to camp, and possible to disarm. I understand what Furious was saying about "Don't let them arm it," but it's easy to just rush in and arm it, then get killed, but win. One Flag was fun, because you had to struggle to get the Flag out, making it a challenge.
Rick, I agree with Gravedigger here that the map is better for One Flag than Assault, but I think Assault is still fun. It's natural for a map to be better for one gametype than another, anyway. Also, I was surprised how good this map scaled from a 3v3 game to a 6v6 game. Good stuff. Invite me to play a game here anytime.
This is a definite download just for the effort put in with things like the bridge and merged wall corners. It seems to me though that there are several amazing map components.. but they just look thrown together. It's seems very strange to me. There are vehicles so you obviously need space to maneuver, but still it looks disorganised. As if you had several ideas for parts of structures and then just put them in the same map. I'm gonna have a look around and see if it makes more sense ingame.
I must admit this is now one of my all-time favorite maps ive ever DL'd. The suspension bridge...flawless. the defensive base is complex and offers tons of strategic options. you've effectively supported the vehicles well, and they add a more natural (non-foundry) feel to it. And the aesthetics, wow. The water with the fountain lift is awesome, and interlocked power-ups are always cool. the star platforms were awesome...not to mention the suspension bridge is also super aesthetic. i also love how the offensive side is basically both of foundry's bases, an idea not used too much, and definitely not executed as well as you have. I agree with Furious D about the base being fine the way it is. You're right, you had to make the sniper rifle valuable and the sniper perch a point of interest. without the base open like that, there really isnt a need for the sniper perch, and that would really take away from the map. Youre gonna have to show me what you used to merge the wall corners into the ground...was it doors on their sides, maybe? you went the extra mile with that one, well done. Youve gotten better and better with every map you've come out with, its impressive. are you working on any new projects? I can't wait to play CTF here, can we get a game going soon? seriously. Someone just make this guy a guilder already...
No doubt. The map is more fun with flag. It's fun to sneak the bomb in through the gutters, too, though. And I was really happy with the range of players it allows, too. We might have to try an 8v8 sometime. Truth be told, that's how all my maps get made. I start with a concept I like (in this case, the base), and build up around them. Each element WAS made to work in the scheme of the map, though. And the vehicles are definitely only useful in certain situations. The ghost is good at holding the flag in one place when it gets to the center. And the warthog is good for cover fire later on in the game. In any case, I hope you find youre forgethrough satisfactory. Lightsout: thanks for the rave review. I'll be sure to invite you next time we're playing it. Everybody else: thanks for the comments (even you, grave, lol).
Luckily for you, this map joins the ranks of Meridian, District Five, and Spillway as the list of maps that will remain on my HDD forever.
How does the map have any thing to do with beer or cheese? Anyway, great map, the bridge is pretty cool, i hadn't seen that before.