Sandbox Entombed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gamefreak1792, Mar 26, 2009.


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  1. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Entombed- Below the sands of the desert lyes a underground battlefield waiting to be awakened once again. 2-4 Players.

    This is a mid-sized map based in the bottom of sandbox in the grifball court. It is a perfectly symmetrical map designed for team slayer or CTF. The bases each have a Chopper and a mongoose to get around the map along with a man cannon that flies over the entire map to the other base. The man-cannons are evened out with a brute shot set up on a top perch at each base so that someone cant just fly over and get the flag without facing any opposition. Along with the brute shot each base also contains a mauler, two BRs, a carbine and a bubble shield. The mauler is designed for close range combat within the base and the BR and carbine are designed for around the map. Behind each base is also a drop from the top to the bottom designed to get to the mauler quick and easy. All the weapons on the map include:

    * 6 BR/ 45 sec
    * 4 Carbine/ 60 sec
    * 2 Mauler/ 60 sec
    * 1 Sniper Rifle/ 120 sec
    * 1 Rocket/120 sec
    * 2 Plasma pistol/ 30 sec
    * 2 Brute shot/ 60 sec
    * 2 Bubble shield/ 120 sec
    * 2 Chopper/ 120 sec
    * 2 Mongoose/60 sec

    Overview of the map

    Middle of the map

    Overview of Red base

    Base Divider


    Overview of Blue base

    Mauler Spawn underneath the base

    This map would be perfect for a 4x4 Slayer or Capture the Flag map. The Gametypes that would work are:

    -Capture the Flag
    -Slayer/ Team slayer
    - Infection

    The other gametypes would also work but i didnt put the gametypes on the map. Thanks for checking out the map and make sure to keep an eye out for my future maps. Just as a disclaimer i made this map in a combined total of about 2 hours and most of that was merging so there might be a few problems with gameplay, if anyone finds anything make sure to leave a comment.

    Download here:
    Halo 3 File Details

  2. Jerdann

    Jerdann Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty good map for the 2 hours it took to make it.
    I found the gameplay pretty fun, usually.

    A few things you could change to make it better would be to use a different middle structure, I didnt find anyone using it, as it was kindof weird, but It did give good protection from base to base shots.

    however the mancannons kind of ruined the wall or middle structures purpose, since you can go base to base in like, half a second.

    that and the vehicles get killed to quickly and I didnt find them necessary.

    and the carbine towers with the upside down half wall - its still too high to see over, I dont know if this is on purpose, but just lower em a bit to make a nice high ground.

    -New middle structure
    -No man cannons
    -No vehicles
    -Lower carbine wall
    -straighten it all out.

    After that being said, the map is a good 4/5 cause no weapons stood out as being Overpowered, and everything had a counterweapon, the gameplay was fun, just didnt see some things being needed OR used.
    #2 Jerdann, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009

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