Sandbox Dereliction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rex Thunder, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Okay- so Derelict was one of my favorite maps from the original Halo. I liked some parts of the remake for Halo 2 (Desolation), but not all. This map is a combination of the best parts of both maps.

    I kept the base tunnels connecting the upper and lower level, but also brought back the teleporters.

    Most weapon spawn points are the same, although I changed a few. I put the overshield back in the upper middle, and included the active camo. I also put the sniper rifle back up top.

    You will find, that overall, I went with the layouts of the original more than not- although I think I balanced the two fairly well. Once again however- I hit the item limit (even with a prepped canvas in the crypt)- so I had to delete a few things that were purely aesthetic (structures similar to Desolation).

    It is set up for ALL GAMETYPES, though it works best for Slayer and Team Slayer with teams of 3-4 people.

    6 Battle Rifle
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 shotguns
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Needler
    1 Brute Shot
    12 plasma granades
    2 Frag grenades

    1 overshield
    1 active camo

    Some pics...

    Here's an overhead shot for a full look...

    Alley connecting Upper/Lower level- also where the shotgun spawns

    Lower center where the rocket spawns


    One of the upper level alleys

    High Low Battle


    Up close and personal down below


    I spent A LOT of time on this one really trying to nail the key points. The hovering walls above some upper levels is to prevent jumping out of the map. (For some reason- after running out of money- it still allowed me to use single walls)

    Anyway- hope those of you that liked Derelict/Desolation on the previous games enjoy this one. Let me know what you think!

    #1 Rex Thunder, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Shiero

    Shiero Ancient
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    I'm gonna have to download this. I just glanced over the screenshots looks pretty good. I loved derelict from the original Halo. Everyone else played Blood Gulch me and my friends played derelict. =]
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Looks nice mate.
    On the 2nd pic, is he coming out of a building? Or is that a part Sandbox itself?
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    yea man, this map looks like a pretty decent remake, especially to be on sandboc because in my opinion it isn't easy to make a remake on sandbox. I am going to download this when I go to my friends tomorrow
  5. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    looks pretty true to the original(s). I will check it out. i like the center structure A LOT. an dhow did you make the shotgun paths from bottom to top?
  6. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Yeah he's halfway up the shotgun pathway from the bottom to the top floor- right where the shotgun spawns.

    The shotgun paths were a bit tricky. I did them both different actually. Lots of merging ramps halfway and doing whatever it took to line it up basically. You'll notice one has an extra ramp at the top- the other does not. I figured since they were both opposite bases, no harm in changing them up a tiny bit.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lol this map was great. Brilliantly reproducing halo 1 and 2 game play feel. Constant fighting and high medal count at the end.

    Some goofy spawns but as I told you online that happens in an arena map and it was only on FFA.

    Good Job.

    Thinking back on it though it feels a bit bigger than the original. Probably because of the lack of a ceiling. Also in a game with AGamer and Running Chron. Gamer managed to get out. but it was complicated and I killed him twice during his attempts so no big issue.
  8. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Thanks! And yeah- that's actually funny- because of anything, it may be a TAD smaller than the original.

    Getting out of the map is very tough as well. I had to get rid of a few boxes that completely canvased it off when I hit item limit- but spaced floating walls at an angle in the few spots where it's possible to get out. Like you said- it's possible- but it will take a bit of luck and some time to do it- by which time in a true game you'll be dead so it wouldn't make much sense to do so.

    I'm also gonna check the spawn areas too for the free for all again.
  9. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Awesome remake dude. I wish they just remade Derelict into Halo 3's maps. Very good forging skills. I will have to download this remake and play it on my customs day. Sandbox has already brought many ideas out of this community and even lower ranks that usually gave horrible maps are bringing us very nice maps.

    I am looking foward to someone remaking midship or gemini. Those maps were really fun and gemini would be just plain awesome with halo 3.

  10. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    I hate to comment on ratings.. but I have to admit for this map I've been watching it. I was at a 4.5 with 4 votes. The last commenter said 5/5, but the average went down to a 4.2. That would make the last rating given a 3.

    My question is- if someone other than that commenter left a 3- why no comment supporting this rating?

    I'm all for a fair rating- but if it's just an "average" map, yet worthy of a rating at all- why not support it with why you feel this way? I say all this also because I often see maps rated poorly that look pretty decent to me, and vice versa.

    I personally only rate a map if I've actually played it and tried it out. (by rate I mean place a 1-5 star value on it). I have commented before when the post itself looks impressive.
    #10 Rex Thunder, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  11. Torque66

    Torque66 Ancient
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    this looks preety accurate and is cleanly forged. I'm gonna download this becuase i think it can play well and i always love a remake! 4.9/5 for the accuracy of the remake! P.S. i downloaded your map
  12. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
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    I love the way you combined Halo CEs Derelict and its Halo 2 successor, Desolation into one smooth creation, It looks absolutlty amazing. 5/5
  13. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Just updated the maps. The lower pillars are wider now to provide additional cover and more width (like the original).

    I also made it impossible to get out of the map. If you find a way to still get out, please let me know.

  14. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    First of all, great remake, i loved it.

    Now, I've had an idea. I remember Derelict to have blue ilumination, so I think it would be very nice to add the blue lights in the map.

    But of course ot depends on how much budgets you still have.
  15. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    You are completely right on that- and it's something I thought of. The remake (Desolation)in Halo 2 did NOT have the blue lighting though. My plan was to test out lighting once the map was finalized IF I had the budget and/or items left, but obviously I didn't.

    At this point getting rid of any of them wouldn't open up any money so I can't really mess with different combinations.

    If you have any ideas around it let me know.
  16. Limeyy

    Limeyy King of the Fruits
    Senior Member

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    great improvement, you may want to keep testing weapons though and find the best weapon set, add limeyyyyyyyy (8 "y's") if you need more poeple for testing
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I finally got to mess around and play a very quick FFA on this map the other day, and I'm very impressed with the overall gameplay. The overall feel of this works great as a combo-remake. Everything is where I remember it being, and I instantly felt right at home on the map. I must have played on an earlier version, because it was pretty easy to get where you shouldn't be. I'll give the new one a download and I'll be keeping it on the 'ol hard drive for a while. Great job, man.
  18. FourDoor

    FourDoor Ancient
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    Some friends and I quickly played through this map (the original unupdated version) and were quite happy with the look and feel of the map. Very well done.

    We couldn't remember but couldn't you originally jump from the lower level up to the middle bridges via some of the blocks/ramps? I couldn't find those jumps when we were playing the map.
  19. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Hmmm, not sure if you could or couldn't- but on the updated map you can actually. I widened the pillars on the bottom by merging walls into the already existing ones- now enabling the jumping to the 2nd level.

    and Thanks!
  20. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Checked link and wasn't broken. Not sure what happened...

    This should be the unbreakable version too. (can't get out of)

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