So our Spring Social here at college has been declared to be a Sadie Hawkins dance. For those of you unfamiliar with the tradition of Sadie Hawkins dances, click here for the Wikipedia article. Essentially, when the tradition is enacted, the girls are supposed to ask the guys to the dance, counter to the normal tradition of guys asking girls. Unfortunately, my situation is rather tricky. There's a girl I'd been hoping to ask to the dance for some time, but now that it's Sadie Hawkins style, I'm not sure what to do. The question is this: in your opinion, is it acceptable for a guy to ask a girl to a Sadie Hawkins dance? (note: this could probably also go in the debates forum, so if it's supposed to go there, I apologize)
Sadie's is a tradition that the girls ask the guys, so I voted no. Only "it depends" that I can see is if the girl isn't a member of the hosting organization(in this case a college), and her boyfriend is, then he has to ask out of necessity, if they want to go at all.
yeah, if she likes you enough to honestly say yes, then she'll ask you. and dances are for friends, you're not hooking up if you ask a girl to the dance.
For those saying she'll ask you if she really likes you, chances are she's way too nervous to do so (personal experience) then again tradition may spur her into doing so...