Wow Corruption, this is, by far, the best map you have ever made. I love it, because everything that was wrong with your previous floating Avalanche maps is fixed. The map has amazing aesthetics that are equal to the gameplay. It is amazing for 2v2 and reminds me a lot of Landing Pad by Val. I don't know why, it just does. The map is inescapable, and the only thing I found "Bad" is that you can get on top of the structures, just not quite "Out". I loved the Fusion Shaft just because it was such a beautiful place to be. The underground area is amazing, and I don't have much to say about this map except for "It is amazing." I recommend everybody download this map! He made the floors flat! I'm so happy! 5/5
Ok, I downloaded it and played through it with a friend... Here is my small review Looks: FANTASTIC! Thank you so much for taking the time to use only BLUE boxes... It makes the level look great! I hate all those rainbow random colors, it looks awful! But your color choice looks great, the overview looks awesome, the map itself is very appealing to the eye. Gameplay: Good but to cluttered... Yes, it's a one on one map, but in my opinion, it just felt to close up... It was kinda to cluttered... Forging: GREAT! no problems at all... In the end it's a map I'd play a few times, but it feels off for some reason but that's probably just me... It looks great and plays well... 4/5 from me and keep up the good work!
I also feel that the sniper placement is bad. Maps should be intuitive. I know you want to reward players for going off the beaten path, but that's not necessarily a good thing. I suggest you make put something in plain view that tells players there's obviously something up there, and make the way up effortless.
This looks very good, too. I didn't know there was so much space outside of Avalanche to build on, but I'm also new to this. I've played Cliffside before, and that was very nicely built (and it plays well too), this looks just as good or even better. EDIT: Downloaded. I will look at your other map later whenever I have time. (I love this site! I'm gonna start coming here often to get maps!)
Looks amazing! The view of the map looks pretty sweet too. I like how you took the time to color code it, and the feeling of isolation (not the map) it gives you. 9.5/10
I have to say when i saw this i was highly impressed. I gave it a download and tryed it out wiht my friend. We both thought it was extremely good and fun. but in one spot in a base there is a little tiny area were u can get stuck and arent able to move. other than that i really like it. 4/5
This map is breath taking my only complaint would be the "fusion shaft"if you were to take it out it would make this map that much more "tacticle" but the design of this map is very creative and I like how it's outside the map
The fusion shaft is my personal favorite, plus I have so many people raving about it so I am definatly leaving it. I decided I don't think that I'm going to do another version. I made this one just about perfect, it's time to focus on sandbox.
Best map yet! :] I really enjoy small maps like this they're very fast paced and claustrophobic haha And the power ups above each base enterance reminds me of a smilie face! :] EDIT: Downloaded this last night over my friends house, Great Gameplay!! Wish i could vote on the poll :'[
Thanks, yeah I really took a chunk of my life on this one.. I put forever into the power ups as well, to give it an energy feel as you can see if you read the story behind cold fusion. I am going to top this map with my new sandbox map, but it's going to take a while. There's allot of competition out there for sandbox and I want my first one on sandbox to come in with a bang so I'm taking my time. But yeah cold fusion is a very good example of the amount of aesthetics I can put into a map, and let me just say that my newest one will not only provide new ideas, but the map it's self will be nothing but beautiful.
Well You've already got my mind stirring, I'll be more than happy to download your new map once its all finished! ;] Good Luck! You're a great Forger indeed.
Normally I would infract upon the above post, but it is anti-spam and I cannot. However if you were to be a hypocrite and post perhaps a spam thank you I would have to.
This is probably your best map gameplay and looks wise. 2v2 here was a once in a lifetime experience ya know but not really ya know. Just amazing but ya take out some greanades two of each maybe.