Foundry oppressor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bloogyo, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Bloogyo

    Bloogyo Ancient
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    Quite possibly the greatest slayer map EVER.

    Played by Hawty Mcbloggy, Adam Susskind and more...

    Oppressor features a great design and gamplay which tests your reflexes and slayer skills!
    Tested and proven to be VERY fun in slayer with only TWO people, you won't want to miss this. PICs below.

    Comes with BRs and Carbines on the top ring, sniper in middle, brute shot on elevator, shotgun in 'hut', flamethrower in the main room, and a brute hammer on the top platform... and more!!

    Download Halo 3 File Details


    The ONLY cover in the map. Also where the flamethrower spawns [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The bubble shield WITH the sniper is Bungie approved.
    The teleporter location is SECRET. Shotgun under.
  2. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    the map is extremely sloppy, small, and unoriginal. It may be fun with 2 people as stated, but you need to clean it up. Both the interlocking and the one merge I can see are very poorly forged. You obviously know what your doing, just take some more time if you really want to improve your map. Especially the bridge above the center. And if this really is a 'competitive??' map, than I advise not having a secret teleporter, and putting weapons where they are easily overlooked (rockets.)
    #2 ShreddedDreamz, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    I have to agree with shreddeddreamz. This map is extremely sloppy, and really small. What you did on this map is what is called useless merging. The whole point in which to merge, is to make things smooth. The bridge above the center is something where you would need to merge stuff, yet you didn't. And i really don't know what the deal is with the hundreds of power weapons within five steps of each other. And also dont start off by saying that this is the best map ever, which before i even saw it knew that it wasn't. I can see that you know how to forge, but next time just plan out wht you are going to do instead of just throwing crap together.
  4. Bloogyo

    Bloogyo Ancient
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    Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
    The gameplay is what made the map great. Not the style. This was my first interlocked map.
  5. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    I cant deny what youre saying because i have not played on this map. But having played on hundreds of maps, I can tell you by looking that if it is cleaned up and the whole power weapons thing is balanced, it WILL improve the gameplay because as it stands, it is very bumpy and jumpy and overpowering with all the objects unaligned with each other.
  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    It has a chance.
    If you make a V2 i highly suggest you take a little more time to make thigs alot more smoother.
    Sorry, but no DL for me mate.
  7. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Well, I can tell you right now, it's not the greatest slayer map ever. It's pretty sloppy in a lot places. If you put a lot more work into it, straighten things out a bit, it could be pretty cool. It has potential, but it's not very good right now. Keep working on it, maybe make a V2, and maybe I'll download it.

    It's not terrible, just needs a lot of work. I can understand the gameplay might be great, but sloppy scenery can be distracting.

    Anyways, keep forging. Don't take it offensively, you just need some practice.
  8. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    the map layout i like but the forgeing is very sloppy fix it up and i would love to see a V2 of this map
  9. Bloogyo

    Bloogyo Ancient
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    Yeah, you guys are right. V2 coming up.

    Though I'm going to do it on 'Sandbox'.

    MAP MAKER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW! the second you said ...
    "Quite possibly the greatest slayer map EVER."

    Jesus this guy thinks hes the bollocks, i understand now you were taking the piss as this could be the poorest map ive ever seen , extremley sloppy, the games bin out over a year surely you can merge effectively to stop maps looking so messy,

    then you mentioned the flamethrower ... ouch
    **** that off straight away

    use objects to straighten things up a bit and ill consider downloading

    Good luck youve got alot of work ahead
  11. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    This creation is poorly made. You have interlocked a few things here and there, but nothing was straight, or smooth. The whole purpose for interlocking is to make a map look nice and function smoothly. From what you have done, I would suggest going back and tidying it up. 2/5 for effort

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