Legendary DLC Frostbite

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by nsD Dictator, Mar 19, 2009.


what u think of map (1 being lowest) (10 being the highest)

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  1. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    alright this is my second map post on this site
    this map is created on cold storage i made it a while back

    there is interlocking and geomerging on the map

    gametypes:slayer,and oddball p.s. more to come

    it plays very well all my friends and people i don't know like the flow and look of the map

    weopon list:
    rockets x1
    sword x1
    spikers x2
    smg x2
    needler x1
    shotgun x1
    br x 4+
    brute shot x1
    bubble x1
    regen. x2
    power drain x1
    d cover x1
    im adding some more brs and ars

    now for some pics:




    alright thats it and plz leave some suggestions and comments
    leave some feedback on the map if u download and tell me what u thought of it and what can be fixed

    here is the download link:Halo 3 File Details
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I like it,
    Good to see a Cold Storage map after a few months.
    I would suggest a name change- FrostBite is taken a lot, even ive done it for a minigame.

    I do like the lift in the last pic- even though its possible to get up to that hallway without help- but Grav-lifts make it available to everyone and is faster.
    Its also very decorated, looks nice!
    Love the Teleporters merged with floor underneath weapons to add scenery!
    #2 Loscocco, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  3. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
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    are the other areas used?
    There aren't really enough screenshots to rate the map...

    What I DO see however looks fairly good asthetically.
  4. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes all areas are used
  5. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    I love it,and not jusbecause of the way its built,but mainly because its on cold stoarage, not that i love cold storage or anything but its very unique and original. I love the gravity lift thing,its places so perfect,lol,great map
  6. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Maybe get a few more pics to see what other areas you used on CS. But for the most part I like the originality. I know it can be hard to forge on that maps that dont have that many unmovable objects but I just saw the pics. and gotta say you need more.
  7. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    This is pretty original. Its got an Aesthetic Covenant look to it.
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Thumbs up to a Cold Storage map variant. I haven't played a real game on this map, but I just did a forge through and here are my impressions:

    Overall it looks really cool, but it has a few things I'm not to fond of. For one, I don't think the overshield and camo should be so close to each other. It is very easy to grab both at the same time. Also, I think you need to get rid of the shotgun and the ledge it spawns on. It would be easy to camp there and wait for someone to walk below. It doesn't really help gameplay. I also think you should try to balance out the weapons, power ups, and equipment. One side gets the sword and shotgun, the other gets all the power ups. Not very even.

    Aesthetically and layoutly (lol wut?) this map looks very nice. I like the corner you made in the needler room and I also like the lift in the gold room. I think that the geomerged energy blockers are kind of pointless and distracting though. I would delete them. I like how you put the wall in the middle of needler to help with the jump, but I think you should delete the shield doors at the entrance to needler ramp and camo room. That way the rocket wall sort of breaks the line of sight, but you could still have a good BR battle. The cubby above camo is very unique, and I didn't even know that space existed up there. Good job on that geomerge.

    My conclusion is that although this variant allows for new tactics and strategies compared to the default CS, it just isn't pulled off as well as it could be. The map needs to be evened out, and the gameplay could get hectic with not only a bunch of power weapons, but also several power ups and pieces of equipment. The forging is very nice, but I think the gameplay will suffer. This map is just a bit to casual for my taste. I would definitely like to see a v2.
  9. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the advice
  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Oh wow. I made a map last summer that's really similar to that. (With the same name, by the way.) The difference is that in your map, you have a lot of jumps. Personally, I'm never a big fan of having to jump, so I would connect everything with ramps. Also, I like the addition of Spikers, as they are pretty rare, but you may consider placing some more of them somewhere else on the map so players can reload. Other than that, I like it.

    P.S. This just made me laugh because of the similarities. You should check out the link in my sig. I'm not saying my map is perfect, but just so you get a sense of what I mean by "add ramps," you can take a look at the pictures of my Frostbite map. (Oh, please don't necropost on my map if you look at it.)
    #10 Awkward Silence, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  11. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    i checked it out i liked ur map but i didnt see any thing the same as my map
  12. zombieeffect

    zombieeffect Ancient
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    Wow, this map is amazing! Great work with all the interlocking and geo-merging, im not too fond with the forging slang now-a-days, i just like playing and I say this map gets a 5/5, Nice choice of weapons but IMO you need to adjust some of the powerful weapons
  13. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the suggestion on weopons zombie

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