Foundry Broken Down

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by bamblakopz, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Well I got slammed a few days ago for this map... Since then I have spent hours and hours just trying to make it a bit cleaner...

    Download Map: Broken Down
    Download Variant: Search&Destroy

    My main changes were interlocking objects... I used this to make everything look a lot cleaner, I also used various tools to align everything as best as I could. For example a wall on top of a wall looks straight now, last time they were messy.

    I didn't do any merging on this map because it would have ruined some of my ideas. On future maps I will probably merge objects into the ground, but it was just to much of a change for this map.

    I also got some advice on moving the weapons a little, I did some of that. Their are weapons basically surrounding the spawn point but they are now spread out more and in strategic positions.

    In addition, I DID NOT take out the INVIS and Overshiled... I am sorry, but both were just huge parts of my map I just couldn't take them away... In the future, since most people here do not like it, I will use them much less.

    Weapon Spawns!
    Battle Rifle- 4 - 2 on each side- default clips
    Needler- 2 - 1 on each side- default clips
    Rocket Launcer- 2 - 1 on each side- No extra clips (only 2 shots altogether)
    Mauler- 1 on defense side- default clips
    Brute Shot- 1 on defense side- default clips
    Shotgun- 1 on offense side- default clips
    Sniper Rifle- 1 on offense side- default clips
    The overshiled and activecamo do NOT respawn... Each round they come back but they don't respawn within each round.

    Here is my description of the map...

    Broken Down is a fun map that is played with the 'Search&Destroy' variant.
    It is a 1-bomb variant with a twist. Players must stay alive and stick together because if you die, you are out that round.
    There are 2 bases to plant the bomb in, 'A' or 'B'...
    Each team starts with an Assault Rifle. If a player dies, that player is dead until the 2 minute round is over.

    Defense- The Defense starts out near some weapons and close to either A or B. They can pick up equipment like the bubble shield, power drainer, trip mine, and others. But, once picked used, they do not respond that round. So use each weapon and equipment wisely. Their is a Rocket Launcher, Mauler, Needler, Brute Shot, and 2 Battle Rifles to use, but don't run out of ammo or you will be in trouble!

    Offense- Take the high road to the bridge and the 'B' base, or the tunnels to the 'A' base.
    The offense starts out next to a bunch of goodies including a Sniper Rifle, a Rocket Launcher, a Shotgun, 2 Battle Rifles, and a Needler. The bomb is right next to all of these things, as well as a Grav Lift, Bubble Shield, and more.


    The road to 'B' is quite literally a road. Take the steps up to a bridge and walk the long bridges to the base to plant the bomb. Or, you can take the mongoose and attempt a daring jump over a massive wall and also where you can pick up an overshield. The path to the 'B' base is quick, but you can easily be seen and shot down if you are not careful.

    The tunnels to 'A' are close quarters combat, so if you would like to take this path, bring the shotgun! This path weaves up and down and left and right through a dark tunnel. If you bring the grav lift, you can take a HUGE short cut over top of part of the tunnel. You also use this hidden shortcut to pick up the invisibility which can help you greatly to get through the tunnel unseen.

    Whichever path you choose, make sure your whole team takes the same path, it will help you to bring a large group and teamwork.


    I took a bunch of pictures, more then last time, and this time they also include a few in action pictures... Enjoy!

    I took some screens at about the same angle as last time to try to show you the changes...

    This is the best I could do for an overhead shot...
    The left side is where the Offense spawns
    The Right side is where the Defense spawns
    'B' is right down below and to the right
    'A' is to the far right

    This is where the Defense spawns.
    The defense can run towards 'A' where they will find a Mauler, Battle Rifle, Needler, and various equipment.
    Towards 'B' they can find a Battle Rifle, Regenerater, and Rocket Launcher.

    The Offense starts here.
    The bomb is to the right.
    The Offense can choose to go through the tunnel to 'A' or they can go the high road to 'B'.

    This is 'A' where the offense can plant the bomb. Also found here is some of the weapons the defense can use.

    This is the high road bridges to 'B'.

    This is inside the tunnel towards 'A'


    The blue team trying to plant the bomb at 'A'

    Someone from the Blue team getting surprise attacked inside the tunnel.

    Blue team succsesfully planting the bomb at 'B', but getting blown up a few moments later.

    Bomb almost planted by 'B'

    The difficult jump for the sheild! Also a helpful shorcut towards 'B'

    The Blue team greeting a lone Red team player... Team work people!

    So! from these screenshots, do you think it is improved? This, IS the final version, so any suggestions will just be used for future maps, not this one...
    Please download it and comment on it here on the forums, and on the download page...

    Please be nice guys this is my first map! :D
    #1 bamblakopz, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  2. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    Who rated this five stars without, you know, responding? Anyways, this just isn't great. Your first map though, so you've got more chances to get it right. First, there is no cover, whatsoever. Those longs hallways are just BR target ranges now. Also, you need interlocking, maps like this are just plain sloppy and unprofessional without it.
  3. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Did you read?
    I DID interlock a bunch of things...

    And there is a lot of cover, hallways? There is really only one or two hallways in the tunnel, everything else is really just close fighting...
    Also, outside there is cover, but my main goal was to have a big open arena for the 'B' section, and that;s what I did... With some cover though

    And ugh... I'm sorry but you didn't even download it so how would you know if it has no cover, hallways, etc... All you see are a few screenshots...
    #3 bamblakopz, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  4. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    idk, i kinda thought 12 was enough...

    Hmm... The URL for the game variant wasn't working when I clicked it, so I edited it... Hopefully it will be working now...

    Cool, I got a few downloads, whoever downloads it, please comment on it and tell me what you think...
    #4 bamblakopz, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2009
  5. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    Jsten, in either of you're maps you had ZERO interlocking and you're telling him that if he made a map without interlocking it sucks more ass than if he just said '**** it, I don't want to put any effort in to this map and therefore I'll just put a double box in the middle of a blank Foundry and post it on Forgehub.' Interlocking is NOT REQUIRED in maps, and if you think it looks sloppy and unproffesional, then you need to get glasses and/or lasik eye surgery.

    The map looks great and makes me want to pwn more newbs now, 4/5.
  6. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Wow thanx for the compliment! I am new to forging, but I am pretty sure I did interlock... I didn't merge, but I did interlock. :D For looks, and for certain spots where I NEEDED to or it just woulda been horrible...

    So, did you download it? If so, how has it played out for you so far... What kind of improvements could have been made... I am open to suggestions. However, like I said, I am NOT changing anything in this map now. I am DONE with Broken Down... But any help will most certainly be used for future maps... I have 3 golden ideas for Sandbox once I get my gritty little hands on it... :D April 9! woot!!!

    Sigh... Why is it that when I make a horrible map I get like 15 replies, and when I make a good map I get like 5 replies... :(
    #6 bamblakopz, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, interlocking amd merging doesnt make a map. Gameplay does. This seems very open in several areas. Yeah, it seems stupid to put tons of cover in a tunnel, but Im talkin about the bomb spawn at B. Its like you plant the bomb if your lucky, then run away cuz there is no cover. Then you have almost no chance for disarming the bomb cuz once again, there is no cover. Plus those walkways and bridge ramps: need cover. Im in no way trying to be harsh, its just my opinion. Also, put in a weapons list with respawn times and spare clip amounts so we know whats goin on. As far as Camo and the Overshield, they are fine if they dont respawn every 30 sec. which I cant tell when or where they respawn cuz theres no list ar no picture of where they spawn. That would be a good reason to add mor pics.
  8. Laurent

    Laurent Ancient
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    No offense but i personally thought this map looked terrible. It seemed as though half the map was no meant to be played on and it was very dull to look at without any aesthetics.

    You left tons of empty space and little cover.

    I give it a 1/10

    sory :(
  9. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Both of you obviously haven't played it... The reason why there are a few open areas is because there will NEVER be any fighting there at all... Period...

    There are 2 spots that are WIDE OPEN but that's because if you play me Search&Destroy game, there will NOT be any fighting there... Now the bomb planting spot at B is open and there is fighting there, but that's supposed to be an open area, and there is cover... I but a 2box siting there and it is surrounding a wall that can be jumped behind if you want, but again, the point of that area is open fighting... The point of A is close quarters... 2 different types of levels in one... Open areas are in many maps, I don't see whats wrong about them... Blackout has the middle part, so does Guardian... Close quarters maps are allowed to have a few spots here and there that are open... Please, just download it, try it with a bunch of friends once, and then tell me what you think... I think you will be a bit more pleased with it.

    If not, sorry I couldn't please you...
  10. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
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    From screenies it looks pretty decent compared to my first forgehub map...gah! Don't let them ruin your map for you. If YOU like it whether or not it has interlocking or merging than that is what counts. I can tell you put alot of work into this and I commend you for going back and trying to make your map better. While it might not be the best or some peoples taste I think it is pretty cool. DLing. 3.5/5
  11. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks so much for the DL...
    Please comment again once you get a chance to play it! Thanx!

    Edit: I saw ur post on, thanx!
    #11 bamblakopz, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  12. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    this looks like a sturdy fun map
    nice 3.5/5
  13. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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  14. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Can i quote those first two lines for my sig?
    But anyway, Walls are nice and straight, Gameplay looks good, Nice idea,

    Over all 4.5/5, I tried to make something one time which was a cross between this and Amphibian Threat (In that one there where 3 plant points but you could only detonate once at each area)

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